July 2014In figure a) one can see a drawing of a dual beam pulsed laser deposition chamber in our group. At the entry a KrF-Laser (248 nm) is splitted into two beams using a gradient filter (semitransparent mirror). The beams are directed and focused with secondary mirrors and lenses on rotating targets (here: zirconium and titanium). Additionally, one can heat the substrate and the ablation process can be performed in different gas atmospheres. In figure b) one can see a picture while ablating titanium and zirconium in an oxygen atmosphere. One can see the different sizes of the plasmas, which correspond to a higher energy (60 % of the total energy) on the zirconium target compared to titanium (40 %). The positioning of the gradient filter determines the ratio of the energies. (Picture submitted by Ralph Henning.)https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/pom2014/PoM0714/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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July 2014
In figure a) one can see a drawing of a dual beam pulsed laser deposition chamber in our group. At the entry a KrF-Laser (248 nm) is splitted into two beams using a gradient filter (semitransparent mirror). The beams are directed and focused with secondary mirrors and lenses on rotating targets (here: zirconium and titanium). Additionally, one can heat the substrate and the ablation process can be performed in different gas atmospheres. In figure b) one can see a picture while ablating titanium and zirconium in an oxygen atmosphere. One can see the different sizes of the plasmas, which correspond to a higher energy (60 % of the total energy) on the zirconium target compared to titanium (40 %). The positioning of the gradient filter determines the ratio of the energies. (Picture submitted by Ralph Henning.)