February 2013Due to their high electrical conductivity and their chemical inertness porous gold leafs are powerful cathode materials. Especially in lithium air cells they are a promising alternative to the commonly used carbon electrodes. Porous gold cathodes are synthesized by oxidative dealloying of white gold leafs. The figure shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of a synthesized gold electrode. (Picture submitted by Benjamin Bergner.)https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/pom2013/february-2013/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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February 2013
Due to their high electrical conductivity and their chemical inertness porous gold leafs are powerful cathode materials. Especially in lithium air cells they are a promising alternative to the commonly used carbon electrodes. Porous gold cathodes are synthesized by oxidative dealloying of white gold leafs. The figure shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of a synthesized gold electrode. (Picture submitted by Benjamin Bergner.)