January 2010The picture shows the contact angle analyzer OCA 20 from the company Data Physics with the heating chamber TC 400, which allows measurements under well defined gas atmosphere and a temperature up to 400 °C. The contact angle analyzer is the first instrument aquired within the project “Electrochemistry for detection of mobility” (Kompetenzverbund Süd) funded by the BMBF. Herewith it is possible to measure the adhesion properties of nonstoichiometric compounds as a function of the composition. Picture Submitted by A. Rein https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/gallery-of-pictures-from-2010/january-2010/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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January 2010
The picture shows the contact angle analyzer OCA 20 from the company Data Physics with the heating chamber TC 400, which allows measurements under well defined gas atmosphere and a temperature up to 400 °C. The contact angle analyzer is the first instrument aquired within the project “Electrochemistry for detection of mobility” (Kompetenzverbund Süd) funded by the BMBF. Herewith it is possible to measure the adhesion properties of nonstoichiometric compounds as a function of the composition. Picture Submitted by A. Rein