February 2009The picture shows the Beamline ESCA Microscopy at the Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy). At the beginning of december A. Rein, B. Luerssen and A.-K. Huber worked there to make in-situ XPS measurements at LSM/YSZ electrodes. The possibility to analyze the surface of the sample under electrochemical polarization allows to get a better understanding of the principle processes at the LSM/YSZ interface. Picture submitted by A. Huberhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/gallery-of-pictures-from-2009/february-2009/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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February 2009
The picture shows the Beamline ESCA Microscopy at the Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy). At the beginning of december A. Rein, B. Luerssen and A.-K. Huber worked there to make in-situ XPS measurements at LSM/YSZ electrodes. The possibility to analyze the surface of the sample under electrochemical polarization allows to get a better understanding of the principle processes at the LSM/YSZ interface. Picture submitted by A. Huber