April 2009The picture shows the new glove box of the Institute of Physical Chemistry. The glove box features four workplaces. On April 1st a new project called “glove box royal” started. The project members (from left to right) R. Dippel, K. Sann, S. Diegelmann und H. Buschmann are investigating the influences of noble gas atmospheres to the probability distributions of gamble card games. First results are soon expected after extensive test gaming. Picture submitted for April Fool's jokehttps://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/gallery-of-pictures-from-2009/april-2009/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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April 2009
The picture shows the new glove box of the Institute of Physical Chemistry. The glove box features four workplaces. On April 1st a new project called “glove box royal” started. The project members (from left to right) R. Dippel, K. Sann, S. Diegelmann und H. Buschmann are investigating the influences of noble gas atmospheres to the probability distributions of gamble card games. First results are soon expected after extensive test gaming. Picture submitted for April Fool's joke