June 2008The picture shows the ERASMUS exchange student K. Zalewska (on the right) taking a sample out of the Gießen II chamber belonging to the Pulsed Laser Deposition System (PLD). She is guided by N. Schichtel (on the left). The PLD serves for preparing thin film samples either from metals or oxides. Also, multilayered samples can be obtained. P icture taken by S. Steinmuellerhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/f08/departments/physchem/janek/gallerypotm/gallery-of-pictures-from-2008/june-2008/viewhttps://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png
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June 2008
The picture shows the ERASMUS exchange student K. Zalewska (on the right) taking a sample out of the Gießen II chamber belonging to the Pulsed Laser Deposition System (PLD). She is guided by N. Schichtel (on the left). The PLD serves for preparing thin film samples either from metals or oxides. Also, multilayered samples can be obtained. P icture taken by S. Steinmueller