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- 2021 -

H 2 S Dosimetry by CuO: Towards Stable Sensors by Unravelling the Underlying Solid-State Chemistry
S. Werner · C. Glaser · T. Kasper · T. N. Nguyen Le · S. Gross · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021 , 4, 5, 5004-5013, DOI:

Porous SiO 2 Nanofibers Loaded with CuO Nanoparticles for the Dosimetric Detection of H 2 S
S. Werner · C. Seitz · G. Beck · J. Hennemann · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021 , DOI:

Comprehensive Characterization of a Mesoporous Cerium Oxide Nanomaterial with High Surface Area and High Thermal Stability
E. Özkan · A. Hofmann · M. Vorsmeier · W. Wang · X. Huang · C. Kübel · F. Badaczewski · K. Turke · S. Werner · B. M. Smarsly
Langmuir 2021 , DOI:

Laser-carbonization: Peering into the formation of micro-thermally produced (N-doped)carbons
H. Wang · S. Delacroix · O. Osswald · M. Anderson · T. Heil · E. Lepre · N. Lopez-Salas · R. B. Kaner · B. M. Smarsly · V. Strauss
Carbon 2021 , 176, 500-510, DOI:

- 2020 -

Amine-Functionalized Nanoporous Silica Monoliths for Heterogeneous Catalysis of the Knoevenagel Condensation in Flow
K. Turke · R. Meinusch · P. Cop · E. Prates da Costa · R. D. Brand · A. Henss · P. R. Schreiner · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Omega, 2020 , 6, 1, 425-437, DOI:

Synthesis of Ti(OH)OF ⋅ 0.66 H2O in Imidazolium‐based Ionic Liquids
M. Sieland · V. Camus-Genot · I. Djerdj · B. M. Smarsly
ChemistryOpen 2020 , 10, 181-188, DOI:

Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanometer-Sized CeO2 Layers in Ordered Mesoporous ZrO2 Films and Their Impact on the Ionic/Electronic Conductivity
P. Cop · E. Celik · K. Hess · Y. Moryson · P. Klement · M. T. Elm · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020 , DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c02060

Pore Size Gradient Effect in Monolithic Silica Mesopore Networks Revealed by In-Situ SAXS Physisorption
S. A. Kube · K. Turke · R. Ellinghaus · D. Wallacher · M. Thommes · B. M. Smarsly
Langmuir 2020 , DOI:

How do students become experts? An in-depth study on the development of domain-specific awareness in a materials chemistry course
S. Lenzer · B. M. Smarsly · N. Graulich
International Journal of Science Education 2020 , 42, 12, 2032-2054, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2020.1810355

Impact of Aliovalent/Isovalent Ions (Gd, Zr, Pr, and Tb) on the Catalytic Stability of Mesoporous Ceria in the HCl Oxidation Reaction
P. Cop · R. Maile · Y. Sun · O. Khalid · I. Djerdj · P. Esch · S. Heiles · H. Over · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020 , 3, 8, 7406-7419, DOI:

Peering into the Formation of Cerium Oxide Colloidal Particles in Solution by in-situ Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
E. Özkan · F. Badaczewski · P. Cop · S. Werner · A. Hofmann · M. Votsmeier · H. Amentisch · B. M. Smarsly
Langmuir 2020 , 36 , 31 , 9175–9190, DOI:

sReactivation of CeO2‐based Catalysts in the HCl Oxidation Reaction: In situ Quantification of the Degree of Chlorination and Kinetic Modeling
Y. Sun · F. Hess · I. Djerdj · Z. Wang · T. Weber · Y. Guo · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
ChemCatChem 2020 , 12, 5511, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202000907

Rational Sol–Gel-Based Synthesis Design and Magnetic, Dielectric, and Optical Properties Study of Nanocrystalline Sr3Co2WO9 Triple Perovskite
J. Bijelic · A. Stankovic · M. Medvidovic-Kosanovic · Markovic · P. Cop · Y. Sun · S. Hajra · M. Sahu · J. Vukmirovic, D. Markovic · A. Kukovecz · Z. Jaglicic · B. M. Smarsly · I. Djerdj
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020 , 124, 23, 12794-12807, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c02973

Rational Synthesis Concept for Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles: On the Impact of Particle Size on the Oxygen Storage Capacity
E. Özkan · P. Cop · F. Benfer · A. Hofmann · M. Votsmeier · J. M. Guerra · M. Giar · C. Heiliger · H. Over · B. M. Smarsly
J. Phys. Chem. C. 2020 , 124, 16, 8736-8748, DOI:

An advanced structural characterization of templatedmeso-macroporous carbon monoliths by small- andwide-angle scattering techniques
F. M. Badaczewski · M. O. Loeh · T. Pfaff · D. Wallacher · D. Clemens · B. M. Smarsly
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020 , 11, 310-322, DOI:

TEMPO-functionalized mesoporous silica particles as heterogeneous oxidation catalysts in flow
J. S. Schulze · J. Migenda · M. Becker · S. M. M. Schuler · R. C. Wende · P. R. Schreiner · B. M. Smarsly
J. Mater. Chem. A 2020 , 8, 4107-4117, DOI:

Assessing the structural properties of graphitic and non-graphitic carbons by Raman spectroscopy
D. B. Schuepfer · F. Badaczewski · J. M. Guerra-Cstro · D. M. Hofmann · C. Heiliger· B. M. Smarsly · P. J. Klar
Carbon 2020 , 161, 359-372, 2257-2268, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2019.12.094

Catalytic Stability Studies Employing Dedicated Model Catalysts
F. Hess · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
Accounts of Chemical Research 2020 , 53, 2, 380-398, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00467

- 2019 -

Ionic Liquid-Mediated Low-Temperature Formation of Hexagonal Titanium-Oxyhydroxyfluoride Particles
P. Voepel · M. Sieland · J. Yue · I. Djerdj · B. M. Smarsly
CrystEngComm 2020 , 22, 1568-1576, DOI:

Comparison of In-Plane Stress Development in Sol–Gel- and Nanoparticle-Derived Mesoporous Metal Oxide Thin Films
P. Cop · S. Werner · K. Hess · R. Meinusch · B. M. Smarsly · H. Kozuka
Langmuir 2019 , 35 , 50 , 16427-16437 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02455

CeO2 Wetting Layer on ZrO2 Particle with Sharp Solid Interface as Highly Active and Stable Catalyst for HCl Oxidation Reaction
Y. Sun · P. Cop · I. Djerdj · X. Guoi · T. Weber · O. Khalid · Y. Guo· B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
ACS Catalysis 2019 , 9, 12, 10680, 10693, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b03482

Comparative Microstructural Analysis of Non-graphitic Carbons by Wide-angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering
T. Pfaff · F.  Badaczewski · M. O. Loeh · A. Franz · J.-U. Hoffmann · M. Reehuis · W. G. Zeier · B. M. Smarsly
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019 , 123, 20532-20546 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03590

Making It Clear: Exploring Crystal Structures by Constructing and Comparing See-Through Models
S. Lenzer · B. M. Smarsly · N. Graulich
Journal of Chemical Education 2019 , 96, 1630-1639, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00119

Atomic Layer Deposition of Titania in Ordered Mesoporous Cerium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films: A Case Study
P. Cop · M. Göttlicher · J. Schörmann · C. Boissiere · A. Beyer · C. Becker · K. Volz · H. Over · B. M. Smarsly
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019 , 123, 12851-12861, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b02069

Ionic liquid cations as methylation agent for extremely weak chalcogenido metalate nucleophiles
B. Peters · S. Santner · C. Donsbach · P. Vöpel · B. M. Smarsly · S. Dahnen
Journal of Chemical Education 2019 , 96, 1630-1639, DOI: 10.1039/C9SC01358J

Oxygen storage capacity versus catalytic activity of ceria-zirconia solid solutions in CO and HCl oxidation
Y. Sun · C. Li · I. Djerdj · O. Khalid · P. Cop · J. Sann · T. Weber · S. Werner · K. Turke · Y. Guo · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
Catalysis Science & Technology 2019 , 9, 2163-2172, DOI: 10.1039/C9CY00222G

General Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Rare-Earth Orthovanadate Thin Films and Their Use as Photocatalysts and Phosphors for Lighting Applications
C. Reitz · B. M. Smarsly · T. Brezesinski
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019 , 233, 105-116 DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.8b02327

Independent Tailoring of Macropore and Mesopore Space in TiO 2 Monoliths
G. Beck · M. Sieland · J. F. Beleites · R. Marschall · B. M. Smarsly
Inorganic Chemistry 2019 , 58, 2599-2609, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b03203

Easy and Green Route towards Nanostructured ZnO as an Active Sensing Material with Unexpected H 2 S Dosimeter-Type Behaviour
S. Diodati · J. Hennemann · F. Fresno · S. Gialanella · P. Dolcet · U. L. Štangar · B. M. Smarsly · S. Gross
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019 , 837-846 DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201801334

- 2018 -

Mechanochemical synthesis of porous carbon at room temperature with a highly ordered sp 2 microstructure
M. E. Casco · F. Badaczewski · S. Grätz · A. Tolosa · V. Presser · B. M. Smarsly · L. Borchardt
Carbon 2018 , 139, 325-333, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.06.068

Hydrophilic Ionic Liquid Mixtures of Weakly and Strongly Coordinating Anions with and without Water
R. Macchieraldo · L. Essert · R. Elfgen · P. Vöpel · B. M. Smarsly · B. Kirchner
ACS Omega 2018 , 3, 8567-8582, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b00995

The Critical Role of the Crystallite Size in Nanostructured Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
J. Yue · F. Badaczewski · P. Voepel · T. Leichtweiß · D. Mollenhauer · W. Zeier · B. M. Smarsly
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018 , 10, 22580-22590, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b05057

In-plane stress development in mesoporous thin films
P. Cop · S. Kitano · K. Niinuma · B. M. Smarsly · H. Kozuka
Nanoscale 2018 , 10, 7002-7015, DOI: 10.1039/c8nr00793d
Koorperation mit der AG Kozuka (Kansai-University Osaka)

Nitrogen-containing novolac-derived carbon beadsas electrode material for supercapacitors
B. Krüner · A. Schreiber · A. Tolosoa · A. Quade · F. Badaczewski · T. Pfaff · B. M. Smarsly · V. Presser
Carbon 2018 , 132, 220-231, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.02.029

CarbX : a program for the evaluation of wide-angle X-ray scattering data of non-graphitic carbons
T. Pfaff · M. Simmermacher · B. M. Smarsly
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2018 , 51, 219-229, DOI: 10.1107/S1600576718000195

Mesoporous Poly(divinylbenzene) Fibers Based On Crosslinked Nanoparticles
J. Migenda · S. Werner · R. Ellinghaus · B. M. Smarsly
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2018 , 219, 1700471 DOI: 10.1002/macp.201700471

Electrospinning of CeO 2 nanoparticle dispersions into mesoporous fibers: on the interplay of stability and activity in the HCl oxidation reaction
M. Möller · N. Tarabanko · C. Wessel · R. Ellinghaus · H. Over · B. M. Smarsly
RSC Advances 2018 , 8, 132-144 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA03020G

The stabilizing effect of water and high reaction temperatures on the CeO 2 -catalyst in the harsh HCl oxidation reaction
C. Li · F. Hess · I. Djerdj · G. Chai · Y. Sun · Y. Guo · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
Journal of Catalysis 2018 , 357, 257-262, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2017.11.019
Koorperation mit der AG Over

Hard-templating of carbon using porous SiO 2 monoliths revisited - Quantitative impact of spatial confinement on the microstructure evolution
M. O. Loeh · F. Badaczewski · M. von der Lehr · R. Ellinghaus · S. Dobrotka · J. Metz · B. M. Smarsly
Carbon 2018 , 129, 552-563, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.12.044

Peering into the structural evolution of glass-like carbons derived from phenolic resin by combining small-angle neutron scattering with an advanced evaluation method for wide-angle X-ray scattering
F. Badaczewski · M. O. Loeh · T. Pfaff · S. Dobrotka · D. Wallacher · D. Clemens · J. Metz · B. M. Smarsly
Carbon 2019 , 141, 169-181, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.09.025

Catalytic HCl oxidation reaction: Stabilizing effect of Zr-doping on CeO2 nano-rods

C. Li · Y. Sun · F. Hess · I.Djerdj · J. Sann · P. Voepel · P. Cop · Y. Guo · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018 , 239, 30, 628-635, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.08.047

Synthesis of rare-earth metal and rare-earth metal-fluoride nanoparticles in ionic liquids and propylene carbonate

M. Siebels · L. Mai · L. Schmolke · K. Schütte · J. Barthel · Y. Yue, J. Thmoas · B. M. Smarsly · A. Dev · R. A. Fischer · C. Janiak
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2018 , 9, 18811-1894, DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.9.180

Electrospun CuO Nanofibre Assemblies for H 2 S Sensing

C. Seitz · S. Werner · R. Marschall · B. M. Smarsly
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 2019 , 233, 105-116 DOI: 10.1515/zpch-2017-1097

Very fast crystallisation of MFe2O4 spinel ferrites (M = Co, Mn, Ni, Zn) under low temperature hydrothermal conditions: a time-resolved structural investigation
P. Dolcet · S. Diodati · F. Zorzi · P. Voepel · C. Seitz · B. M. Smarsly · S. Mascotto, F. Nestola, S. Gross
Green Chemistry 2018 , 20, 2257-2268, DOI: 10.1039/C8GC00086G

Photocatalytic activity of multiphase TiO2(B)/anatase nanoparticle heterojunctions prepared from ionic liquids

P. Voepel · M. Weiss · B. M. Smarsly · R. Marschall
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistryy 2018 , 366, 1,1 34-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2018.03.019

- 2017 -

Peering into the Mechanism of Low-Temperature Synthesis of Bronze-type TiO 2 in Ionic Liquids
P. Vöpel · C. Seitz · J. M. Waack · S. Zahn · T. Leichtweiß · A. Zaichenko · D. Mollenhauer · H. Amenitsch · M. Voggenreiter · S. Polarz · B. M. Smarsly
Crystal Growth and Design 2017 , 17, 5586-5601, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01231

On the underestimated impact of the gelation temperature on macro- and mesoporosity in monolithic silica
R. Meinusch · R. Ellinghaus · K. Hormann · U. Tallarek · B. M. Smarsly
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 , 19, 14821-14834, DOI: 10.1039/C7CP01846K

Sustainable and surfactant-free high-throughput synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanocrystals
C. Suchomski · D. J. Weber · P. Dolcet · A. Hofmann · P. Vopel · J. Yue · M. Einert · M. Möller · S. Werner · S. Gross · I. Derdj · T. Brezesinski · B. M. Smarsly
Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Materials for energy and sustainability 2017 , 5, 16296-16306, DOI: 10.1039/C7TA02316B , Supp. Inf.

Mesopore etching under supercritical conditions - A shortcut to hierarchically porous silica monoliths
M. von der Lehr · K. Hormann · A. Höltzel · L. S. White · A. E. Reising · M. F. Bertino · B. M. Smarsly · U. Tallarek
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2017 , 243, 247-253, DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.02.036

Mesoporous niobium-doped titanium dioxide films from the assembly of crystalline nanoparticles: study on the relationship between the band structure, conductivity and charge storage mechanism
J. Yue · C. Suchomski · P. Vöpel · R. Ellinghaus · M. Rohnke · T Leichtweiss · M. T. Elm · B. M. Smarsly
Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Materials for energy and sustainability 2017 , 5, 1978-1988, DOI: 10.1039/c6ta06840e

Low Temperature Reaction of Molecular Zinc Oxide Precursors in Ionic Liquids Leading to Ionogel Nanoparticles with Shape Anisotropy
M.Voggenreiter · P. Vöpel · B. M. Smarsly · S. Polarz
Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry 2017 , 643, 93-100, DOI: 10.1002/zaac.201600341

Synthesis of Titanium Oxide Nanostructures in Ionic Liquids
P. Vöpel · B. M. Smarsly
Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry 2017 , 643, 3-13, DOI: 10.1002/zaac.201600394

- 2016 -

Highly Active Binder-Free Catalytic Coatings for Heterogeneous Catalysis and Electrocatalysis: Pd on Mesoporous Carbon and Its Application in Butadiene Hydrogenation and Hydrogen Evolution
D. Bernsmeier · L. Chuenchom · B. Paul · S. Rümmler · B. M. Smarsly · R. Kraehnert
ACS Catalysis 2016 , 6 (12), 8255-8263, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.6b02240

Hollow a-Fe 2 O 3 Nanofibres for Solar Water Oxidation: Improving the Photoelectrochemical Performance by Formation of a-Fe 2 O 3 /ITO-Composite Photoanodes
M. Einert · R. Ostermann · T. Weller · S. Zellmer · G. Garnweitner · B. M. Smarsly · R. Marschall
Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Materials for energy and sustainability 2016 , 4, 18444-18456, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA06979G

Analysis of thermally induced changes in the structure of coal tar pitches by an advanced evaluation method of X-ray scattering data
M. O. Loeh · F. Badaczewski · K. Faber · S. Hintner · M.F. Bertino· P. Mueller· J. Metz · B. M. Smarsly
Carbon 2016 , 109, 823-835, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.08.031

Synthesis and full characterization of the phase-pure pyrochlore Ce 2 Zr 2 O 7 and the κ-Ce 2 Zr 2 O 8 phases
S. Urban · P. Dolcet · M. Möller · L. Chen · P. J. Klar · I. Djerdj · S. Gross · B. M. Smarsly · H. Over
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2016 , 197, 23-34, DOI: 0.1016/j.apcatb.2016.03.049

Proton Conduction in Sulfonated Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Monoliths with Hierarchical Pore Structure
M. von der Lehr · C. F. Seidler · D. H. Taffa · M. Wark · B. M. Smarsly · R. Marschall
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016 , 8 (38), 25476-25488, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b08477

Hierarchically porous monolithic silica with varying porosity using bis(trimethoxysilyl)arenes as precursors
M. von der Lehr · R. Ellinghaus · B. M. Smarsly
New Journal of Chemistry 2016 , 40, 4455-4463, DOI: 10.1039/C6NJ00758A

Aqueous Sol–Gel Route toward Selected Quaternary Metal Oxides with Single and Double Perovskite-Type Structure Containing Tellurium
Igor Djerdj · J. Popovic · S. Mal · T. Weller · M. Nuskol · Z. Jaglicic · Z. Skoko · D. Pajic· C. Suchomski · P. Vöpel · R. Marschall · B. Kozlevcar · B. M. Smarsly
Crystal Growth Design 2016 , 16 (5), 2535-2541, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01558

Engineering of oxoclusters-reinforced polymeric materials with application as heterogeneous oxydesulfurization catalysts
M. Vigolo · S. Borsacchi · A. Sorarù · M. Geppi · B. M. Smarsly · P. Dolcet · S. Rizzato · M. Carraro · S. Gross
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2016 , 182, 636-644, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.10.008

In-depth mesocrystal formation analysis of microwave-assisted synthesis of LiMnPO 4 nanostructures in organic solution
P. Vöpel · C. Suchomski · A. Hofmann · S. Gross · P. Dolcet · B. M. Smarsly
CrystEngComm 2016 , 18, 316-327, DOI: 10.1039/C5CE01946J

- 2015 -

Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Electrodes: Influence of Microstructure and Nitrogen Configuration on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbonized Polyacrylonitrile and Poly(ionic liquid) Blends
Marcus Einert · Claas Wessel · Felix Badaczewski · Thomas Leichtweiß · Christine Eufinger · Jürgen Janek · Jiayin Yuan · Markus Antonietti · Bernd M. Smarsly
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 10/2015 ; 216(19):1909-1909. DOI: 10.1002/macp.201500169 (Paper), 10.1002/macp.201570059 (Front Cover

Polymer Templated Mesoporous Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 as a High-Rate and Long-Life Anode Material for Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries
Junpei Yue · Christian Suchomski · Bernd M. Smarsly · Torsten Brezesinski
08/2015 ; DOI: 10.1002/cnma.201500078

Mechanisms of Charge Storage in Nanoparticulate TiO 2 and Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 Anodes: New Insights from Scan rate-dependent Cyclic Voltammetry
Martin Opitz · Junpei Yue · Jens Wallauer · Bernd Smarsly · Bernhard Roling
Electrochimica Acta 06/2015 ; 168:125-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.03.186

Ionic Liquid- and Surfactant-Controlled Crystallization of WO 3 films
Helena Kaper · Igor Djerdj · Silvia Gross · Heinz Amenitsch · Markus Antonietti · Bernd M Smarsly
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 05/2015 ; 17(27). DOI: 10.1039/C5CP01869B

Elucidating the Sorption Mechanism of Dibromomethane in Disordered Mesoporous Silica Adsorbents
Daniela Stoeckel · Dirk Wallacher · Gerald A. Zickler · Matthias Thommes · Bernd M Smarsly
Langmuir 05/2015 ; 31(23). DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b00705

Electrospun ceria-based nanofibers for the facile assessment of catalyst morphological stability under harsh HCl oxidation reaction conditions
Maren Möller · Herbert Over · Bernd Smarsly · Nikolay Tarabanko · Sven Urban
Catalysis Today 04/2015 ; 253. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2015.02.027

CuO thin films for the detection of H 2 S doses: Investigation and application: CuO thin films for the detection of H 2 S doses
Jörg Hennemann · Claus-Dieter Kohl · Bernd M. Smarsly · Tilman Sauerwald · Jean-Mathieu Teissier · Stefanie Russ · Thorsten Wagner
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 04/2015 ; 212(6):1281. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431735

Synthesis and morphological characterization of phenyl-modified macroporous–mesoporous hybrid silica monoliths
Rafael Meinusch · Kristof Hormann · Romana Hakim · Ulrich Tallarek · Bernd M. Smarsly
RSC Advances 02/2015 ; 5(26). DOI: 10.1039/C4RA16519E

Copper Oxide Based H 2 S Dosimeters–Modeling of Percolation and Diffusion Processes
Jörg Hennemann · Claus-Dieter Kohl · Bernd M. Smarsly · Hauke Metelmann · Marcus Rohnke · Jürgen Janek · Daniel Reppin · Bruno K. Meyer · Stefanie Russ · Thorsten Wagner
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 02/2015 ; 217:41-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.02.001

Synthesis of silicon dioxide, silicon, and silicon carbide mesoporous spheres from polystyrene sphere templates
Lauren S. White · Julia Migenda · Xiaonan Gao · Dustin M. Clifford · Massimo F. Bertino · Khaled Mohammad Saoud · Christoph Weidmann · Bernd M. Smarsly
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 02/2015 ; DOI: 10.1007/s10971-015-3636-1

Morphological Analysis of Physically Reconstructed Silica Monoliths with Submicron Macropores: Effect of Decreasing Domain Size on Structural Homogeneity
Daniela Stoeckel · Christian Kübel · Marc O. Loeh · Bernd Michael Smarsly · Ulrich Tallarek
Langmuir 02/2015 ; 31(26). DOI: 10.1021/la5046018

Preparation and characterization of model catalysts for the HCl oxidation reaction
C. Kanzler · H. Over · B.M. Smarsly · C. Wessel
RSC Catalysis Series 01/2015 ; 2015(22):198-224.

- 2014 -

Investigation of the Microstructure of Disordered, Non-­graphitic Carbons by an Advanced Analysis Method for Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering
Kristin Faber · Felix Badaczewski · Wilhelm Ruland · Bernd M. Smarsly
Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie 12/2014 ; 640(15). DOI: 10.1002/zaac.201400210

From Macropores to Mesopores: 3D Morphology of Hierarchical Porous Solids
K. Hormann · D. Stoeckel · C. Kübel · A. Höltzel · B.M. Smarsly · U. Tallarek
Chemie Ingenieur Technik; 09/2014 ; DOI: 10.1002/cite.201450624

In-Depth Investigation of the Carbon Microstructure of Silicon Carbide-Derived Carbons by Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering
Kristin Faber · Felix Badaczewski · Martin Oschatz · Giovanni Mondin · Winfried Nickel · Stefan Kaskel · Bernd M. Smarsly
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 07/2014 ; 118(29):15705-15715. DOI: 10.1021/jp502832x

Morphological Analysis of Disordered Macro-Mesoporous Solids Based on Physical Reconstruction by Nanoscale Tomography
Daniela Stoeckel · Christian Kübel · Kristof Hormann · Alexandra Hoeltzel · Bernd Michael Smarsly · Ulrich Tallarek
Langmuir 07/2014 ; 30(30). DOI: 10.1021/la502381m

Direct synthesis of carbide-derived carbon monoliths with hierarchical pore design by hard-templating
Winfried Nickel · Martin Oschatz · Martin von der Lehr · Matthias Leistner · Guang-Ping Hao · Philipp Adelhelm · Philipp Müller · Bernd M. Smarsly · Stefan Kaskel
07/2014 ; 2(32). DOI: 10.1039/C4TA02260B

Limits of ZnO Electrodeposition in Mesoporous Tin Doped Indium Oxide Films in View of Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Christian Dunkel · Till von Graberg · Bernd M. Smarsly · Torsten Oekermann · Michael Wark
Materials 04/2014 ; 7:3291-3304. DOI: 10.3390/ma7043291

An All Low-Temperature Fabrication of Macroporous, Electrochemically Addressable Anatase Thin Films
Schröder, M.; Sallard, S.; Böhm, M.; Einert, M.; Suchomski, C.; Smarsly, B. M .,; Mutisya, S.; Bertino, M.F.;
Small , 2014 , 10 (8): 1566-1574: DOI: 10.1002/smll.201300970

Coherent analysis of disordered mesoporous adsorbents using small angle X-ray scattering and physisorption experiments
Stöckel, D.; Wallacher, D.; Zichler, G.A.; Perlich, J.; Tallarek, U.; Smarsly, B. M. ;
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys ., 2014 ,16, 6583-6592,DOI: 10.1039/C3CP55072A

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Stable and Active Mixed Zr-Ce Oxides for Catalyzing the Tas Phase Oxidation of HCl
Urban, C.; Tarabanko, N.; Kanzler, C.H.; Zalewska-Wierzbicka, K.; Ellinghaus, R.; Rohrlack, S.F.; Chen, L.: Klar, P.J.; Smarsly, B.M. ; Over, H.;
Catalysis letters , 2013 , 143 (12): 1362-1367,DOI: 10.1007/s10562-013-1091-6

Hierarchically Ordered Monolithic Silica with Bimodal Porosity Obtained by Hydrolysis and Condensation of 1,4-Bis(trimethoxysilyl)arenes
von der Lehr,  M.; Weidmann, C.; Mascotto, S; Smarsly, B. M. ;
Chem-Ing-Tech 2013 , 85 (11): 1700-1706DOI: 10.1002/cite.201300079

Electrodeposition of zinc oxide on transparent conducting metal oxide nanofibers and its performance in dye sensitized solar cells
Dunkel, C.; Wark, M.; Oekermann, T.; Ostermann, R.; Smarsly, B. M .;
Electrochim Acta 2013 , 90: 375-381DOI: 10.1016/j.electacat.2012.12.048

Electrospun Metal Oxide Nanofibres for the Assessment of Catalyst Morphological Stability under Harsh Reaction Conditions
Kanzler, C.H.; Urban, S.; Zalewska-Wierzbicka, K.; Hess, F.; Rohrlack, S.F.; Wessel, C.; Ostermann, R.; Hofmann, J.P.; Smarsly, B.M .;
ChemCatChem 2013 ,DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201300301

Bimodal Mesoporous Titanium Dioxide Anatase Films Templated by a Block Polymer and an Ionic Liquid: Influence of the Porosity on the Permeability
Sallard, Sébastien; Schröder, Michael; Boissière Cédric; Dunkel, Christian; Etienne, Mathieu; Walcarius, Alain; Oekermann, Torsten; Wark, Michael; Smarsly, B. M. ;
Nanoscale 2013 , 5, 12316.DOI: 10.1039/C3NR02732E