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Inorganic chemistry with a focus on materials and energy

AG Lepple is working on the development and investigation of innovative high-performance ceramics for efficient energy conversion and storage.

Central focuses:

  • New ceramics for high-temperature applications that are stable over long periods in aggressive atmospheres
  • New ceramics for energy storage (electrode materials, ion conductors)
  • New ceramics for sustainable energy generation and catalysis

Further information on the research topics of the working group can be found here.






New publication Special Issue: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials for Applications in Extreme Conditions

We are pleased to announce the publication of a special issue with 14 manuscripts that have been produced within the DFG funded research training group (RTG) 2561 MatCom-ComMat. This RTG combines the expertise of the Dechema Research Institute Frankfurt, the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
The focus is on novel multiphase composite systems that can withstand temperatures above 1300 °C and innovative approaches to maximize the lifetime of materials in extreme environments.



New Associate
Welcome Dirk Hunstock
  We are pleased to welcome Dirk Hunstock as a new PhD student after his master thesis in our working group.



3rd Project Meeting
For the 3rd project meeting of the BMWK LuFo VI-3 joint project “MaDeRaisE” on 11.10.2024 we were able to welcome Jun. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Silvi Ulrich and Lucas Welchen from the Chair of Metallic Materials at the University of Bayreuth with us in Giessen.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Lepple


Phone: +49 641 99 34807




Janne Bertling
Room B 128

Phone: +49 641 99 34101
Fax: +49 641 99 34109



Postal Adress

Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17
D-35392 Giessen


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