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submitted manuscripts

  • Fingerhut MA, Lauber C, Broel N, Ghezellou P, Karrer D, Henrich L, Spengler B, Langfelder K, Stressler T, Zorn H, Gand M (2024) Heterologous expression and characterization of a GDS(L)-like hydrolase from Pleurotus sapidus , which is highly stable at alkaline conditions and contains an unusual SGNH motif in the active site ; submitted to AMB Express

  • Seidel L, Runkel K, Albuquerque W, Happel K, Ghezellou P, Spengler B, Zorn H, Gand M, Freund M, Will F, Schweiggert R (2024) Investigations into the protein stabilization of musts and wines by aspergillopepsin under different enzymatic and thermal treatments ; submitted to ACS Food Sci Technol

  • Orban A, Bürger F, Mewe C, Sella N, Zorn H, Rühl M (2024) ( E ) -Nerolidol formation by mono- and dikaryotic strains of Pleurotus sapidus : submitted