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Bachelor thesis finished!


Our two bachelor students Melina and Annika can now justifiably claim that. After 3 months at our working group, the two of them handed in their final thesis at the end of August! We wish you continued success in your careers. We will not only miss your delicious cakes and tarts ;)


International Botanical Congress (IBC) 2024 - Madrid


In addition to the head of the working group, Annette Becker, two of our PhD students, Doudou and Julian, traveled to this year's IBC. Despite the heat in Spain, they were able to present their posters, listen to interesting talks and have some nice conversations.

Doudou Kong vor ihrem Poster (Foto: privat)


doctoral examination


On 18.09.2023 Anna Barbara Dommes completed her doctoral with the defense of her thesis. The entire working group was there to celebrate with her!

Anna and her examinars


Plant Biology Europe (PBE) 2023 – Marseille


Our three PhD students Doudou Kong, Julian Garrecht and Linus Wegner (from left) were represented at this year's PBE with poster contributions and were thus able to present their projects to a larger audience.











In addition to the scientific program, the three were also able to explore the city. With them our master student Siwei Pang.



Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP) 2023

Meeting Molecular Biology of Plants of the German Botanical Society in Hennef, Feb. 6-9, 2023.




New year, new conference!

The PhD students Dominik, Clemens and Linus (from left to right), had the opportunity to present their work with a poster and to meet other exciting projects and scientists at this year's MBP.



Botanists meeting 2022


At the this years conference of the German Botanical Society (DBG) in Bonn most of the AG Becker was present to present the current research of the group and to review interesting results of other scientists. Here our PhD student M.Sc. Julian Garrecht presenting his poster:

Bild: Doudou Kong


“Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern” - new paper out


With the participation of our research group, an exciting new paper has been published in Nature Plants -> find more here

D. Blaine Marchant et al. (2022), “Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern”; Nature Plants 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01226-7


Euro Evo Devo 2022


At the biennial meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Euro Evo Devo), two of our PhD students were represented and presented their work:

Doudou Kong at here poster

Dominik Lotz was able to present the results and progress of his work to the audience in a lecture.

(Bilder: Annette Becker)










On March 30, 2021, our doctoral student Kimmo Kivivirta successfully completed his doctorate.

Congratulation and all the best!