- International workshop on rare isotope physics at storage rings, Hirschegg, 3.2.02-8.2.02, H. Weick, The Super-FRS.
- International workshop on rare isotope physics at storage rings, Hirschegg, 3.2.02-8.2.02, H. Geissel, Experiments with stored exotic in the ESR.
- Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 21.2.02-22.2.02, C. Scheidenberger et al., Mass and half-life measurements at the FRS-ESR.
- Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 21.2.02-22.2.02, H. Weick, Scattering experiments at the internal target of the ESR.
- 5th Meeting of the R3B-Working Group (Reaction Studies of Relativistic Radioactive Beams), Krakau, Polen, 15.3.02-17.3.02, M. Winkler et al., Status of the Super-FRS.
- 5th Meeting of the R3B-Working Group (Reaction Studies of Relativistic Radioactive Beams), Krakau, Polen, 15.3.02-17.3.02, H. Weick, Experiments with Storage Rings.
- 2002 Meeting of the 'Forschungsausschuss des Wissenschaftlichen Rates der GSI', GSI Darmstadt, 15.4.02-16.4.02, C. Scheidenberger, Study of basic nuclear properties in the ESR.
- Halo-Collaboration Meeting, Weschnitz, 25.4.02-26.4.02, H. Geissel, Experimental Programs at the FRS.
- Halo-Collaboration Meeting, Weschnitz, 25.4.02-26.4.02, H. Weick, The Super-FRS and storage rings.
- 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications, Victoria, Kanada, 6.5.02-10.5.02, H. Geissel, H. Weick et al., The Present and Next-Generation Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facilities at GSI.
- 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications, Victoria, Kanada, 6.5.02-10.5.02, C. Scheidenberger et al., Energy and Range Focusing of In-Flight Separated Exotic Nuclei.
- Combined Collaboration Meeting of NIPNET, ION-CATCHER and HITRAP, Gronningen, Niederlande, 23.5.02-25.5.02, W. R. Plaß et al., A Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for the FRS Ion-Catcher and for SHIPTRAP.
- Proceedings of the 50th ASMS Conference of Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2.6.02-6.6.02, W. R. Plaß et al., A Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Mass Measurements of Exotic Nuclei.
- Halo-Konferenz, Göteburg, Schweden, 13.6.02-16.6.02, H. Geissel, Super-FRS, the next generation European in-flight facility.
- WE-Heraeus Seminar, Symposium on nuclear clusters: from light exotic to superheavy nuclei, Rauischholzhausen, 5.8.02-9.8.02, H. Geissel, Experiments with exotic nuclei at GSI.
- WE-Heraeus Seminar, Symposium on nuclear clusters: from light exotic to superheavy nuclei, Rauischholzhausen, 5.8.02-9.8.02, C. Scheidenberger, Atomic masses and nuclear decay rates of highly-charged, unstable nuclei investigated in the ESR.
- 6th and final Meeting of the R3B-Working Group (Reaction Studies of Relativistic Radioactive Beams), München, 23.8.02-24.8.02, M. Winkler et al., Super-FRS Exotic Nuclear Beam Facility.
- Euro Summer School on Exotic Beams, Les Houches, Frankreich, 12.9.02-20.9.02, W. R. Plaß et al., A Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Mass Measurements of Exotic Nuclei.
- International Conference on Charged Pacticle Optics (CP06), Greenbelt, Maryland, USA, 23.10.02, H. Weick, Multi degrader stages for future high-energy in-flight separators.
- SAFERIB workshop, CERN, Schweiz, 30.10.02-1.11.02, M. Winkler et al., The Super-FRS Project at GSI.
- 27th Meeting of the Experimentausschuss (EA) of GSI, GSI Darmstadt, 12.12.02-13.12.02, C. Scheidenberger et al., Experimental program for direct mass measurements at FRS-ESR for isochronous and time-resolved Schottky mass spectrometry.