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Research Fields and Area of Expertise


Geomorphology, Global Change, Natural Hazards

Prof. Dr. Lorenz King

Research Fields and Area of Expertise

Current research of Prof. King’s working group is focused on the following regions:

a) South Caucasus

The South Caucasus (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia) receives high political and economic interest as the vital transport route Europe-Central Asia-China leads through. Several research projects in the South Caucasus started in the research centre ZEU as early as the year 2000.

b) Central Asia (Kirgizstan) and China

Three new research projects will start in March 2010. This research focus will be strengthened in the upcoming years.


Furthermore, the research group “Geomorphology, Global Change, Natural Hazards” holds broad professional expertise in applied climatology and geomorphology, especially concerning the following regions:

c) Polar areas and high mountains

d) Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Middle East)


Ongoing Research Projects (in 2011)

Currently, there are six ongoing research projects:

Completed Research Projects (selected)

  • *) EU Project PACE and ESF Project PACE 21: Permafrost and Climate in Europe - Climate Change, mountain permafrost degradation and geotechnical hazard
  • *) GTZ Project: “Impacts of Climate Change on the Tunisian Agro-economy and Ecology – the Development of a National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change”.
 Area of Expertise
  • Sustainable Land-Use and Natural Hazard Management
  • ZEU (Centre for International Development and Environmental Research),
  • Section 1: Use of Natural Resources and Environmental
  • DNP/IPA (German National Committee on Permafrost / International Permafrost Association)
  • AKN (Working Group Climate and Natural Hazards)