Document Actions

Research Projects


Climatology, Climate Dynamics and Climate Change

Prof. Jürg Luterbacher, PhD

Research Projects
2017-2020 Belmont Forum and JPI-Climate, Collaborative Research Action “INTEGRATE, An integrated data-model study of interactions between tropical monsoons and extra-tropical climate variability and extremes” together with the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia und Cold Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China)
2017-2019 DAAD Network project with the University of Thessaloniki, Greece ‚The Mediterranean Hot-Spot: Challenges and Responses in a Changing Environment, PI
2017 LOEWE Large Scale Integrated Programm (Excellency in research for the future of Hesse) ‚FACE2FACE – Folgen des Klimawandels, Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Verminderung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen bis 2050). Part 2, PI and Coordinator
2016-2019 Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S); C3S Data Rescue.
2016-2019 DFG, German Research Foundation Project “The Etesian wind system and energy potential over the Aegean Sea; Past, present, future”
2016-2018 British. Met. Office, Climate Science for Service Partnership China project (CSSP): Digitisation and quality control of subdaily meteorological data from Asian stations in the late 19th and early 20th century
2015-2018 DFG, German Research Foundation Project ´Ensemble projections of hydro-biogeochemical fluxes under climate change‘
2014-2017 DFG-funded project “Attribution of forced and internal Chinese climate variability in the common eras’. PI
2014-2016 LOEWE Schwerpunkt: Exzellente Forschung für Hessens Zukunft ‚FACE2FACE – Folgen des Klimawandels, Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Verminderung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen bis 2050‘
2013-2016 LOEWE Large Scale Integrated Programm (Excellency in research for the future of Hesse) ‚FACE2FACE – Folgen des Klimawandels, Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Verminderung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen bis 2050). PI and Coordinator
2013-2016 DFG Project ´Attribution of forced and internal Chinese climate variability in the common era’, (in collaboration with Dr. Zorita und Dr. Wagner, Helmoltz Zentrum, Geesthacht and Dr. Johann Jungclaus, The Ocean in the Earth System Department, Max Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg)
2012-2014 DFG Project ´PRecipitation In past Millennia in Europe- extension back to Roman times’, (in collaboration with Dr. Zorita und Dr. Wagner, Helmoltz Zentrum, Geesthacht)
2010-2013 DFG Project „Historical Climatology of the Middle East based on Arabic sources back to AD 800 / Historische Klimatologie des Vorderen Orients anhand arabischer Quellen seit A.D. 800“, together with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser (Uni Freiburg)
2010-2012 DFG Priority Program ‘INTERDYNAMIK’. Project PRIME (PRecipitation In the past Millennium in Europe), together with GKSS Geesthacht (Dr. E. Zorita)
2009-2013 Klimawandel und Extremwetter in Hessen – Analyse von Beobachtungsdaten des 20. Jahrhunderts und Ensembleprojektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert funded by the Hessian Centre on Climate Change and Geology
Late 2008–2013 EU-Project Large Scale Integrated Project ACQWA (“Assessing Climatic change and impacts on the Quantity and quality of Water”),
7th EU Framework programme
2007-2011 EU Large Scale Integrated Project CIRCE (“Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment”)
6th  EU Framework programme
2007-2010 Cost-Action 733 Project “Objective weather types for the Alpine region – 1881 until present: Development and applications”
2007-2010 Swiss National Science Foundation Project „Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate: past-present–future“.
2006-2011 ESF MedCLIVAR (CLIVAR, WCRP): “Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability“.Funds for researchers exchange, workshops, travel, networking.
2006-2010 EU-Projekt CIRCE (“Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment”; 6. EU Rahmenprogramm)
2002-2006 EU-Project EMULATE (“European and North Atlantic daily to multidecadal climate variability”; 5th EU Framework).
2002-2006 EU-Project SOAP (“Simulations, Observations and Paleoclimate Data: climate variability over the last 500 years”; 5th EU Framework).
2001-2009 Interdisciplinary Projects PALVAREX1 und PALVAREX2 („PALeoclimate VARiability and EXtreme events“) within the National Centre of Competence in Research on Climate (NCCR Climate).
1999-2000 Transdisciplinary Project FLOODRISK („FLOOD frequency analysis and public RISK management in a historical perspective“)
1996–1998 EU-Project ADVICE (“Annual to Decadal Variability In Climate in Europe”; 4th EU Framework).