Directions & Contact
Meaningful and relevant science is also a matter of application through practical cooperation and collaborations — but for that, you'll first have to find us. |
Mailing address
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
FB 06 Psychology und Sports Science
Work- and Organizational Psychology
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10F
35394 Giessen
Campus adress
Philosophikum I, tract F2, 4th floor
How to get there
The faculty of psychology can easily be reached by car by taking the freeway exit "Schiffenberger Tal" (Gießener Ring).
If you travel by train, it takes approx. 20 minutes to get to the Phil. I by taking bus no. 10. Get off the bus at "Phil. II" and walk about 10 more minutes to reach the F-building of Phil. I.
Department Secretary
Sabine Becker
Room F 242 (2nd floor)
Tel.: 0641/99-26221