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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gudrun Schwarzer

Professor of Developmental Psychology


PD Dr. Bianca Jovanovic

Research Assistant


Dipl.-Biol. Katrin von der Decken

Administration and coordination of the department


Dr. Julia Dillmann

Postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Özlem Sensoy

Postdoctoral researcher


M.Sc. Lucie Preißler

Postdoctoral researcher

M.Sc. Laura Faßbender

Ph.D. Student

M.A. Anjuscha Lüthgen

Ph.D. Student


M.Sc. Nikol Tsenkova

Ph.D. Student

M.Sc. Tharanirakshita Asokan

Ph.D. Student



M.Sc. Anna Thereza Grab

Ph.D. Student

Our student research assistants you will find
