Dear participants!
As usual, we are expecting a wide variety of contributions! There will be different presentation formats: In addition to the possibility of submitting thematic symposia and posters, this year contributors will also have the opportunity to submit oral contributions, not related to a specific symposium. These will be grouped to thematically coherent paper symposia by the program committee. Contributions can be submitted both in German and English. However, once you have chosen a language, please stick to your choice also in your presentation! You can find a description of the submission requirements for each type of contribution below. Submission deadline is March 1st 2025.
Please submit your contributions using the following link until March 1st 2025:
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You can choose among the following types of contribution:
- Session with 4–5 oral contributions from at least 2 different labs covering a specific topic or research question. We have reserved a time slot of 90 minutes for each symposium. Consequently, depending on the number of contributions, each presenter will have a time slot of 15–20 minutes (+ ca. 3 minutes for discussion). The main/submitting author is supposed to chair the session. The overaching topic as well as the thematic relations between the different contributions of a symposium, which should be significant, should be elaborated on in an integrative abstract (max. 300 words). Additionally, for each symposium contribution/talk, the contributors should submit a separate abstract (max. 300 words). The abstract should concisely summarize the research question, methods and results of the respective study or the most relevant arguments of the respective theoretical or methodological approach put forward. In order for us to be able to assign each contribution to its associated symposium, abstracts should include the title of the symposium at the end. This text adds to the maximum number of words allowed.
- Please submit the integrative abstract under the category »Symposium«, the single contribution under the category »Single Contribution Symposium«.
- Should a symposium be rejected, the related oral contributions might be converted into/accepted as poster presentations. In this case, the contributors have the possibility of withdrawing the contribution within 14 days after the notification.
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Oral Presentation/Research Talk (not associated to a prespecified symposium)
- An oral presentation serves to present completed studies, theoretical positions or methodological advancements. Thematically related contributions will be grouped into symposia consisting of 4–5 research talks by the committee. We have reserved a time slot of 90 minutes for each symposium. Correspondingly, depending on the number of contributions, each presenter will have a time slot of 15–20 minutes (+ ca. 3 minutes for discussion). The commitee will ask one of the particpants to chair the symposium.
- The abstract (max. 300 words) should concisely summarize the research question, methods and results of the respective study or the most relevant arguments of the respective theoretical or methodological approach put forward. Please submit the abstract under the category »Research Talk«.
- Should a resarch talk be rejected, the oral contribution might be converted into/accepted as a poster presentation. In this case, the contributors have the possibility of withdrawing the contribution within 14 days after the notification.
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Poster Presentation
- The category poster presentation refers to the graphic presentation of a completed or ongoing study (with sufficient data for drawing conclusions) on a poster (format: DIN A0, 841 x 1189 mm, portrait). Especially single studies that are graphically easily representable are suited for a poster presentation. It offers the opportunity of discussing research with interested colleagues and supports interaction. Posters will be presented in the context of extensive, parallel sessions lasting about 90 minutes.
- Please submit an abstract concisely characterizing your research question, methods and results (max. 300 words) under the category »Poster«.
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