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As part of our “InSel” study, we want to develop a needs-based training series for teachers that will help identify internalizing symptoms in students. Internalizing symptoms, such as social withdrawal or feelings of sadness and fear, often go undetected in children. However, recognizing signs of a possible illness is very important in order to be able to help the affected children as early as possible. Children are often not yet able to attribute symptoms such as sadness or insomnia to psychological problems. They rely on their caregivers to be able to recognize whether internalizing symptoms are present and to what extent they require clarification. Teachers therefore have a particularly important role in identifying internalizing symptoms, as some symptoms only appear in a school context and teachers have a broad opportunity for comparison through their daily contact with many children of the same age in order to be able to realistically assess symptoms. Therefore, the first goal of our study is to find out to what extent the teacher's judgment, in addition to the children's self-judgment and parental judgment, contributes to recognizing internalizing abnormalities and which characteristics (e.g. school or class size) influence the teacher's judgment.

Further information about the project can be found on our homepage:

SMASS - Similarities and Differences in Selective Mutism and Autism Spectrum Disorder

You can support us by participating in our study, if…

You are at least 18 and parent (as well as custodian) of a child (4 – 12 years old)


...Your child is either diagnosed with Selective Mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder or both

...Or if your child has no known mental disorder


By clicking on the following link, you can access our questionnaire (approximately 40 minutes). Beforehand you are provided with detailed information about the background of our study as well as data security.

If you have any further questions, please contact us: StudieSMASS

Subject information questionnaire