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Doctoral Study Program

Upon completion of the regular procedure of promotion, applicants who have furnished proof of their academic qualification by means of a dissertation and disputation may be awarded the degree of Dr. rer. nat. or Dr. phil. by the Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science of Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen. The processing procedure is the responsibility of the Examinations Office and you are, therefore, kindly requested to contact this office directly.


PhD Office Dr. rer. nat. Faculty 06 (Promotionsordnung Fachbereich 06)

Frau Patricia König-Probst


Fachbereich Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft

Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10 F1

35394 Gießen

Tel. 0641/99-26000


Promotionsverfahren Dr. rer. nat. (Promotionsordnung Fachbereiche Naturwissenschaften)

Prüfungsamt der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereiche

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58
35392 Giessen

Tel. 0641/99-24520


Promotionsverfahren Dr. phil.

Frau Ute Rittinger

Akademische Prüfungsamt Geisteswissenschaften
Karl-Glöckner-Straße 5/1. OG

35394 Gießen

Tel. 0641/98442-163



On behalf of  the Academic Examinations Office, the Dean’s Office will issue an attestation of the composition of the board of examiners. If you should require it, please send an E-Mail to



Further information can be found in the respective doctoral regulations:


Mitteilungen der Universität Gießen (MUG)