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It is not what you see, but how you see and when you can’t see. The gaps filled with imagination, the sensations storming and informing you, the imprints you hold on to, the drifting of your attention. 

A lose thread, a missing link, a connection detached and rewired. Warped, then messed up, to get lost in yet another fabrication. Something moves there, suspended in a near distance. 

warp turns on by turning off, the theatre inverted: the audience sits in pulsing light while the stage remains dark. Bodies move amongst reflective fabrics, casting the light back at them. Weaves wired with touch sensors whisper a cacophony of stories and sounds. Fingers slip and slide in-between bodies, materials, textures and technologies, weaving choreographies of DIY e-textiles, text, sound, images and codes – to warp the realities fabricated by them.


warp is performed by Amina Szecsödy, Chloe Chignell, Gry Tingskog and Rodrigo Andreolli
the weaves crafted by Amina Szecsödy, Chloe Chignell, Gry Tingskog and Rodrigo Andreolli
and coded and wired by Gry Tingskog
the sound is made by Amina Szecsödy, Gry Tingskog and Rodrigo Andreolli

warp is a cooperation between Gry Tingskog and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, the MA in Choreography and Performance within the frame of Hessian Theatre Academy (HTA) with support from Kulturamt Gießen.

  • Performance
  • final piece (Gry Tingskog)

October 28th 6 pm 
October 29th 9 pm 
October 30th 8 pm (including a post-performance talk)
