Overview of the Faculty 05
- Overview of the Faculty 05
The Faculty 05 is one of the largest Faculties at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. The departments' web pages outline each department's areas of teaching and research and provide you with guidance concerning programmes of study and their organisation. You will also find information about the student advisors in each Department as well as their contact details and office hours as well. Click on the blue button bellow to see a visual representation of our department's organizational structure and a list of courses on offer.
The interests of students at the FB 05 are represented by a variety of student councils (Fachschaft Lehramt, Fachschaft Anglistik, Fachschaft MFKW+SLK, Fachschaft Slavistik, PR Gruppe Angewandte Fremdsprachen). Information about how to contact them is also available on the departments' websites. Moreover, AISEC supports students in finding internships abroad.
- Applied Theatre Studies
- Department of English
- Department of German
In the Department, Literary Studies, Linguistics and Teaching German interact in a number of ways. Three interdisciplinary Chairs contribute further to the Department's innovative profile. The Department's academic staff are strongly involved in post-graduate education and inter- and multidisciplinary research.
No English version available.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Goethe_Campagna.jpg
- Department of Romance Languages
The Department's staff teach and research widely in the four major Romance languages and culture. Find more information about the Department's activities and courses of study on the Department's webpages for Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese languages, literatures and cultures, and Teaching Spanish/French/Italian/Portuguese as a Foreign Language as well.
No English version available.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sor_Juana_Inés_de_la_Cruz_(Juan_de_Miranda).jpg
- Contact
Otto Behaghel Strasse 10 G
35394 Giessen
Tel +49 (0)641 99 31001
Fax +49(0)641 99 31009
Email dekanat@fb05.uni-giessen.de