Your winter semester 21/22 at the faculty 05 "Language, Literature, Culture"
Dear students,
we are happy to welcome both returning and first-time students this winter semester 2021/22. The five institutes of the faculty – Applied Theater Studies, English Studies, German Studies, Romance Language Studies and Slavic Studies – have prepared an attractive course program for this semester. All lectures and seminars that are intended for each course of studies attest to a diverse range of thematic focuses.
The winter semester 21/22 will in all likelihood take place in attendance under restrictions, so as to enable new students to familiarize themselves with local university life. Especially courses for which direct interpersonal exchange is indispensable are to be held in person as far as possible. The entire range of curricula available at the faculty 05 is accessible via the electronic lecture catalogue (eVV) of the university:
The location of each course is indicated by the eVV, as well as on Stud.IP. Should the entry read „k.A.“ („keine Angabe,“ meaning „not specified“), the course will be held digitally, in which case you will receive the necessary login data from the lecturer after registering for it through Stud.IP. If you do physically participate in a course, kindly take note of the guidelines for preventative infection protection as well as rules concerning distance and hygiene on the website of the JLU. Current information on COVID-19-development and -planning can be viewed here:
Many questions regarding matters of detail are answered in the „Frequently asked Questions“ (FAQ) section:
The following passages will answer a few central questions concerning both online and offline courses, contact persons, as well as old and new B.A. and M.A. study programs. The respective study and examination regulations can be viewed here:
1. Online courses
All lectures will be exclusively held digitally, either in synchronous or asynchronous manner (using recordings), or as a mix of the two as the circumstances require. Hybrid situations (parallel availability of online and in-person attendance) will be organized in a way which will allow falling back on fully on- or offline courses on short notice, in order to guarantee a successful learning experience in view of possible technical challenges.
The conceptualization and realization of digital courses (synchronous and asynchronous components) lies in the hands of the teaching staff. They will communicate the state of proposed teaching measures at the beginning of the semester and adjust them in dialogue with the students.
2. In-person sessions
Wearing a mask is mandatory (medicinal or FFP-2) inside all of the JLU's buildings. Sessions meeting in person must ensure contact tracing. The LUCA-App may be used as well as a Stud.IP plug-in, as well as analogue registration with paper. General COVID-19 prevention measures apply (mask, distance, hygiene).
Set-up time of 45 minutes accounting for room changes and ventilation in between sessions require shortening the actual course duration by 15 minutes. In-person sessions during the winter semester will therefore only be 75 minutes long instead of 90 (attendance in room 8:15-9:30, 10:15-11:30, etc.).
3. Room utilization
The university’s specific hygiene regulations apply in respects to the utilization of rooms in case of in-person sessions (see links above). As a general rule, rooms are only to be used to a maximum of 30% of their capacity. Teaching staff will inform you regarding particular circumstances of a given room’s usage, proper access and departure, as well as rules of conduct (avoiding group formation). Wearing a mask is still mandatory during the course and while being seated.
4. Admittance and access to buildungs/route guidance
All buildings are now accessible and students fully able to make use of the university’s infrastructure under observance of hygiene regulations. Wearing masks is mandatory inside the buildings and on access paths of the JLU.
5. Website-URL with information for students
Please consider consulting the webpages of the individual institutes for more information (see links at the bottom).
6. Contact Persons
For general organizational questions, please contact the study coordinator of the faculty 05, Dr. Antje Stannek (
For subject-specific questions, please contact the subject coordinators (email addresses available at the webpages of the individual institutes):
Applied theater studies: Dr. Eva Holling
English studies: Dr. Martin Spies
German studies: Dr. Norman Ächtler
Romance studies: Dr. Livia Gaudino-Falleger
Slavic studies: Dr. Franz Schindler
You can also speak to the teaching staff of each institute directly, of course. They will happily provide information!