Document Actions

Sustainability and the EFLC


Project Description

The project’s objective is to convey English didactic insights on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to regional educational institutions, including schools, Studienseminare, school boards. By bridging the fields of “study/teaching” and “transfer”, the project aims to share sustainability-focused teaching proposals developed in TEFL courses at JLU with local English teachers through an electronic newsletter.

funded by the Förderfonds Nachhaltigkeit of the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) – find out more here

Project Details

Teaching proposals from the summer term 2023 and winter term 2023/24 will be edited and curated to provide practical benefits to regional educational institutions. These proposals will be published as an electronic newsletter, with teaching objectives and phases, overviews, and tasks, all presented in an engaging and visually appealing way.

Launch Event

An expert lecture will be held at JLU in November 2024. This event will target English and TEFL students, the general public, interested teachers from regional schools (including JLU’s CAMPUS schools), pupils and parents, regional Studienseminare, and the school supervisory board. The Sustainability Newsletter will be presented at this event and published in December 2024. It will be distributed via contact lists and will be available on the department’s website.

Prof. Dr. Ivo Steininger (Ivo.Steininger)
Institut für Anglistik, Didaktik der englischsprachigen Literaturen und Kulturen