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Sri Lanka - ERASMUS+ Worldwide

The ERASMUS+ Worldwide international credit mobility programme funds a cooperation with the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka. Students can apply with the International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt).

Sri Lanka - ERASMUS+ Worldwide

Please check the International Office's pages for info on funding, the application procedure and an overview of the ICM partner universities.

Sri Lanka


The University of Colombo is one of the public universities in Sri Lanka, located in a beautifully green and large campus right in the midst of the country's busy capital Colombo.

One of the JLU's cooperating institutes at the University of Colombo is the Department of English with research strengths in literary and cultural theory, the South-Asian literatures and postcolonial studies, women's/gender studies, corpus linguistics, language standardization, language learning and policy, drama and film studies and childhood studies.

Please check for further information on the university: