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Bernaisch, T. & N. Funke (2024): “Particle placement in Hong Kong English: Independence from Great Britain as a trigger of structural change?”. Journal of English Linguistics 52(2), 137–163.

Bernaisch, T. & S. Leuckert (2024): “Short-term diachronic and variety-internal approaches to textual functionality in South Asian Englishes: Evidence from newspaper language”, Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative Corpus Approaches within and beyond Linguistics, eds. S. Buschfeld, P. Ronan, T. Neumaier, A. Weilinghoff & L. Westermayer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 192–216.

Bernaisch, T., A. Suad & A. Saeed (2024): “Particle verbs versus simplex verbs in Maldivian English”. World Englishes [Early View], 1–21.

Botha, W. & T. Bernaisch (2024): “World Englishes and sociolinguistic variation”. World Englishes [Early View], 1–10.

Botha, W., & T. Bernaisch (2024): “Social network effects on particle variation among Singapore students”. World Englishes [Early View], 1–22.

Kircili, K., J. Degenhardt, T. Bernaisch & S. Götz (2024): “The existential there construction in spoken South Asian Englishes”. Asian Englishes [Early View], 1–18.


Leuckert, S., C. Lange, T. Bernaisch & A. Yurchenko (2023): Indian Englishes in the Twenty-First Century: Unity and Diversity in Lexicon and Morphosyntax [Elements in World Englishes]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Bernaisch, T. (2022): “Comparing generalised linear mixed-effects models, generalised linear mixed-effects model trees and random forests: filled and unfilled pauses in varieties of English”, Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics: Comparative Approaches, eds. O. Schützler & J. Schlüter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 163–193.

Bernaisch, T. (2022): “Features of Sri Lankan English”, English in East and South Asia: Policy, Features and Language in Use, eds. E.L. Low & A. Pakir. London: Routledge. 168–182.

Bernaisch, T. & P. Peters (eds., 2022): Special issue on Linguistic Epicentres in World Englishes. World Englishes 41(3).

Bernaisch, T., S.Th. Gries & B. Heller (2022): “Theoretical models and statistical modelling of linguistic epicentres”, World Englishes 41(3), 333–346.

Degenhardt, J. & T. Bernaisch (2022): “Apologies in South Asian varieties of English: a corpus-based study on Indian and Sri Lankan English”, Corpus Pragmatics 6, 201–223.

Funke, N. & T. Bernaisch (2022): “Intensifying and downtoning in South Asian Englishes: empirical perspectives”, English World-Wide 43(1), 33–65.

Peters, P. & T. Bernaisch (2022): “The current state of research into linguistic epicentres”, World Englishes 41(3), 320–332.

Kraaz, M. & T. Bernaisch (2022): “Backchannels and the pragmatics of South Asian Englishes”, World Englishes 41(2), 224–243.


Bernaisch, T. (2021): “Hedges and gender in the Inner and Expanding Circle”, Gender in World Englishes, ed. T. Bernaisch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 94–120.

Bernaisch, T. (2021): “Introduction”, Gender in World Englishes, ed. T. Bernaisch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1–22.

Bernaisch, T. (ed., 2021): Gender in World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [reviewed in Hang, S. (2021): “View of Gender in World Englishes”, Gender and Language 15(4), 1–3; Gerfer, A. (2022): “Review”, ICAME Journal 46(1), 33–37; Li, S. (2022): “Exploring genderlectal variation in the English-speaking world”, English Today 38(5), 205–207 & Heritage, F. (2022): “Book review: Gender in World Englishes”, Journal of English Linguistics 50(3), 315–319.]

Bernaisch, T. & S. Götz (2021): “Across three Kachruvian Circles with two parts-of-speech: nouns and verbs in ENL, ESL and EFL varieties”, Exploring the Ecology of World Englishes in the Twenty-First Century: Language, Society and Culture, eds. P. Peters & K. Burridge. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 215–237.

Bernaisch, T., B. Heller & J. Mukherjee (2021): Manual for the 2020-Update of the South Asian Varieties of English (SAVE2020) Corpus. Version 1.1. Giessen: Justus Liebig University, Department of English.

Mukherjee, J. & T. Bernaisch (2021): “The development of the English language in India”, The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes, 2nd edition, ed. A. Kirkpatrick. London: Routledge. 165–177.

Peters, P., T. Bernaisch & K. Ahrens (2021): “Modality, rhetoric and regionality in English editorials in the Sinosphere”, Exploring the Ecology of World Englishes in the Twenty-First Century: Language, Society and Culture, eds. P. Peters & K. Burridge. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 238–259.


Botha, W. & T. Bernaisch (2020): “The features of Asian Englishes: morphosyntax”, The Handbook of Asian Englishes, eds. K. Bolton, W. Botha & A. Kirkpatrick. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 169–188.

Mukherjee, J. & T. Bernaisch (2020): “Corpus Linguistics and Asian Englishes”, The Handbook of Asian Englishes, eds. K. Bolton, W. Botha & A. Kirkpatrick. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 741–762.

Revis, M. & T. Bernaisch (2020): “The pragmatic nativisation of pauses in Asian Englishes”, World Englishes 39(1), 135–153.


Bernaisch, T. & S.C. Deshors (2019): “Applying corpus methods to explore World Englishes: a practical perspective”, Investigating World Englishes: Research Methodology and Practical Applications, eds. P. de Costa, D. Crowther & J. Maloney. London: Routledge. 85–103. 

Bernaisch, T., D. Mendis & J. Mukherjee (2019): Manual to the International Corpus of English – Sri Lanka. Giessen: Justus Liebig University, Department of English.

Deshors, S.C. & T. Bernaisch (2019): “Corpus approaches to World Englishes: a bird’s eye view”, Investigating World Englishes: Research Methodology and Practical Applications, eds. P. de Costa, D. Crowther & J. Maloney. London: Routledge. 21–43.

Peters, P., A. Smith & T. Bernaisch (2019): “Shared lexical innovations in Australian and New Zealand English”, Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 40(2), 1–30.


Gries, S.Th., T. Bernaisch & B. Heller (2018): “A corpus-linguistic account of the history of the genitive alternation in Singapore English”, Modeling World Englishes: Assessing the Interplay of Emancipation and Globalization of ESL Varieties, ed. S.C. Deshors. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 245–279.


Heller, B., T. Bernaisch & S.Th. Gries (2017): “Empirical perspectives on two potential epicenters: the genitive alternation in Asian Englishes”, ICAME Journal 41, 111–144.


Bernaisch, T. & C. Koch (2016): “Attitudes towards Englishes in India”, World Englishes 35(1), 118–132.

Gries, S.Th. & T. Bernaisch (2016): “Exploring epicentres empirically: focus on South Asian Englishes”, English World-Wide 37(1), 1–25.


Bernaisch, T. (2015): The Lexis and Lexicogrammar of Sri Lankan English [Varieties of English Around the World G54]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [reviewed in Lambert, J. (2017): “Book review: Tobias Bernaisch. The lexis and lexicogrammar of Sri Lankan English (Varieties of English Around the World, Vol. G54).” Journal of South Asian Language and Linguistics 4(2), 337–342.]

Mukherjee, J. & T. Bernaisch (2015): “Cultural keywords in context: a pilot study of linguistic acculturation in South Asian Englishes”, Grammatical Change in English World-Wide, ed. P. Collins. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 411–435.


Bernaisch, T., S.Th. Gries & J. Mukherjee (2014): “The dative alternation in South Asian Englishes: modelling predictors and predicting prototypes”, English World-Wide 35(1), 7–31.


Bernaisch, T. (2013): “The verb-complementational profile of OFFER in Sri Lankan English”, Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Focus on Non-Native Englishes, eds. M. Huber & J. Mukherjee. Helsinki: VARIENG.

Koch, C. & T. Bernaisch (2013): “Verb complementation in South Asian Englishes: the range and frequency of new ditransitives”, English Corpus Linguistics: Variation in Time, Space and Genre: Selected Papers from ICAME 32, eds. G. Andersen & K. Bech. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 69–89.


Bernaisch, T. (2012): “Attitudes towards Englishes in Sri Lanka”, World Englishes 31(3), 279–291.

Bernaisch, T. & C. Lange (2012): “The typology of focus marking in South Asian Englishes”, Indian Linguistics 73(1–4), 1–18.

Körtvelyessy, M., T. Bernaisch, J. Mukherjee & D. Mendis (2012): Manual to the Written Component of the International Corpus of English – Sri Lanka. Giessen: Justus Liebig University, Department of English.

Schilk, M., T. Bernaisch & J. Mukherjee (2012): “Mapping unity and diversity in South Asian English lexicogrammar: verb-complementational preferences across varieties”, Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes, eds. M. Hundt & U. Gut. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 137–165.

Zipp, L. & T. Bernaisch (2012): “Particle verbs across first and second language varieties of English”, Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes, eds. M. Hundt & U. Gut. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 167–196.


Bernaisch, T., C. Koch, J. Mukherjee & M. Schilk (2011): Manual for the South Asian Varieties of English (SAVE) Corpus: Compilation, Cleanup Process, and Details on the Individual Components. Giessen: Justus Liebig University, Department of English.


Mukherjee, J., M. Schilk & T. Bernaisch (2010): “Compiling the Sri Lankan component of ICE: principles, problems, prospects”, ICAME Journal 34, 64–77.