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Meer, Philipp; Stuka, Christine (2024). TH-variation in Barbadian and Trinidadian English: A comparative sociophonetic study. Bonn Applied Linguistics Conference 2024, University of Bonn, Germany 05-06/07/2024.

12/2018 Presentation “Language use and attitudes in Barbados” at Language Attitude Research in the Caribbean Workshop, Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster
11/2018 Presentation “Allophonic variation in Educated Barbadian English: focus on plosives” at Nachwuchstagung, JLU Gießen
07/2018 Presentation “T-Glottalization as a Barbadian reinvention? Investigating the Barbadian English accent in its West Indian context” at the 5th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE), University College London

Presentation “Creole features in Barbadian English Phonology” at the Annual Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Tampere, Finland

03/2017  Presentation "Language use, attitudes and identity issues in Barbados" at 11th Creolistics Workshop, JLU Gießen

Poster presentation "Bajan: Phonological Peculiarities and Language Attitudes in Barbados" at Nachwuchstagung, Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg



  • Stuka, Christine (2023). The Americanization of Barbadian English. World Englishes, 42(1), 91–114.
  • Stuka, Christine; Wengler, Diana (accepted). Mesolectal creoles: Barbados and the Bahamas. In The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean English, edited by Stephanie Hackert. Oxford: Oxford University Press.