Document Actions


Winter Semester 2024/25
Introduction to Linguistics
Summer Semester 2024
Varieties of English: the Caribbean
Winter Semester 2021/22
Standardizing English
Summer Semester 2021
Accents of English: investigating phonological variation and sound change
Winter Semester 2020/21
Analyzing sociolinguistic variation
Winter Semester 2018/19 Introduction to English Linguistics
Summer Semester 2018 Accents of English: Analyzing phonological variation
Winter Semester 2017/18 Varieties of English: The West Indies
Summer Semester 2017 Sociolinguistics
Winter Semester 2016/17 Varieties of English: Caribbean 
Summer Semester 2016 Varieties of English: Africa
Winter Semester 2015/16 Pidgins and Creoles
Summer Semester 2015 Varieties of English around the World


Guest Lectures

  • University of Zurich, 12.05.2021 (“Attitudes and norm orientation in Barbados”)
  • University of Munich, 21.06.2021 (“Attitudes and norm orientation in Barbados”)


Visiting scholar at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (Summer Semester 2017)

  • Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages (Module: Sociolinguistics)
  • English in the Caribbean (Module: English Across the World)