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Workshops/Master Classes

Tag der Thesis


Bachelor- und Masterkolloquium im Sommersemester 2024


(12. Juli 2024)

Prof. Dr. Katharina Lorenz (Gießen) and Dr. Annette Löseke (Berlin):


The Politics of Code: Curating Cultural Heritage in the Digital. A Conversation


(6. July 2021)

Virtual Workshop (Hosts: Prof. Dr. Katharina Lorenz and Dr. Claudia Schmieder):


Visuality and Perception in the Greek World - The Late Classical and Hellenistic Periods


Contributors: Nikolaus Dietrich (Ruprechts-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg); Nathaniel Jones (Washington University, St. Louis); Asja Müller (Freie Universität, Berlin); Ivana Petrovic (University of Virginia, Charlottesville); Verity Platt (Cornell University, Ithaca).


(17. December 2020)

Prof. Dr. Olivier Hekster (Nijmegen):


Periphere Innovationen - Master Class: Wissenschaftskommunikation und Deutungswissen: Relevanz und Ausstrahlungspotenzial der kleinen Fächer


(29. January 2020)

Herder Institut Marburg und JLU Living Lab für digitale Kulturpraktiken:


Periphere Innovationen - Make Fest: Zeit und Raum Digital


(28. January 2020)

Dr. Anna Neovesky (Mainz), Dr. Barbara Fichtl (Marburg) and Dr. Jens Kugele (Gießen):


Periphere Innovationen - Roundtable: Wie fördern wir in den kleinen Fächern Karrieren für das Jahr 2030?


(28. January 2020)

Roundtable des Arbeitskreises


Visualitäten: Kontexte und Rahmungen


mit Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn (Frankfurt a.M.), Prof. Dr. Markus Klammer (Basel) und Prof. Dr. Christoph Wagner (Regensburg)


(6. December 2019)

International Gladiator Lab 2019 - Experimental Archaeology at JLU

In cooperation with the Ludus Gorgonis, we offered interested students an opportunity to enter experimental archaeology as a gladiator or gladiatrix. The focus of this block seminar was on the reconstruction of specific fighting techniques based on various archaeological sources.

Course instructor: Mathias Kunzler

Mathias Kunzler is a freelance fight director for theatre and film as well as a certified teacher for Stage Combat Germany and has trained with teachers from the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat and the Society of American Fight Directors in Germany, the UK and the USA. He is currently Resident Fight Director for Shakespeare Frankfurt. With a degree in Art History and Classical Archaeology, it was only a matter of time before he started working on the subject of gladiators. Since 2012, he has been leading the gladiator group Ludus Gorgonis and has conducted several workshops on the topic of gladiators in Germany and the USA.


(22-28 July 2019)

Dr. Ben Bedwell (Nottingham) and Prof. Dr. Katharina Lorenz (Gießen):



Workshop zum Erlernen des Design-Kartenspiels für die Planung und Durchführung von Ausstellungen


(17. May 2019)