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Special Exhibitions

Current Special Exhibitions

Invitation to the Opening of the Exhibition "Spuren der Vergangenheit" and Launch of the "Phoenix VR" Project

The Giessen Collection of Classical Antiquities gained a prestigious architectural setting when it relocated to the new Ludoviciana University building (now the main university building in Ludwigsstraße), which opened in 1880. Occupying over 300 square meters of the foyer and two windowed halls, alongside the Institute of Archaeology, the collection attracted both university audiences and external visitors, highlighting the high value placed on object-related academic teaching at the time.

During the university building's remodeling in 1940, the plaster cast collection was transferred to a "sculpture hall" (now the Senate Hall) above the newly constructed vestibule to the large auditorium. Despite being heavily damaged during the air raid on Giessen on December 6, 1944, remnants of the once-extensive teaching collection remain, albeit poorly documented.

The "Phoenix VR" project endeavors to digitally reconstruct the lost collection's original layout in virtual space using 3D models, aiming to revive its historical impact. This exhibition marks the project's commencement and aims to engage Giessen citizens interactively in the project's development.

You are cordially invited to the official opening of the exhibition on Friday, May 17, 2024, at 6 pm in the Netanya Hall at the Old Castle of the Oberhessisches Museum.


Past Special Exhibitions


 Plakat "Im Reich des Dionysos"


Reisen in die Unterwelt


Die Masken des Agamemnon

Zu Gast in Gießen: Athena

Zu Gast in Gießen: Triptolemos

Der Gürtel der Aphrodite

Mit erbauten Grüßen


Antik und Ergänzt


Schnittstelle Antike

Heimlich in Rom

Die heilige Stadt der Artemis

Bare Kunst

Kein Krieg in Troja

Antike Kunst








Wahre Helden






You can find our exhibition catalogues and brochures here.