Education Science
Country |
City |
Institution | Mobility number | study cycle | subject area |
Austria | Linz | Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich | 2 | BA | Education |
Vienna | FH Campus Wien | 2 | BA | Education | |
Finland | Joensuu | University of Eastern Finland | 2 | all | Education |
France | Toulouse | University of Toulouse - Jean Jaures | 2 | all | Education |
Greece | Thessaloniki | International Hellenic Uiversity | 2 | all | Education (early childhood) |
Italy | Bolzano | Freie Universität Bozen - Bolzano | 2 | all | Education |
Poland | Lodz | University of Lodz | 2 | all | Education |
Slovakia | Presov | University of Presov | 3 | all | Education (early childhood) |
Spain | Santander | University of Cantabria | 2 | BA | Education |
A Coruña | University of A Coruña | 2 | all | Education | |
Lleida | University of Lleida | 2 | all | Education | |
Sweden | Linköping | Linköping University | 2 | all | Education |
Turkey | Istanbul | Istanbul Kültür University | 3 | all | Education |