Research Cooperations
- Prof. Dr. Joseph Sakshaug, LMU München and IAB (since 2020): Identification of falsifications in surveys using machine learning.
- Dr. Georg Licht, ZEW Mannheim (since 2017): New innovation indicators based on textual data (funded by BMBF in projects TOBI and DynTOBI)
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Breuer, JLU (since 2015): Application of time series methods and heuristic optimization for modelling water ressources.
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Haas, JLU (since 2015): Application of interval data models in marketing.
- Prof. Dr. Ingo Liefner, University of Hannover (since 2013): Regional economic impact of institutions of higher education in Giessen and empirical analysis of graduates' careers
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Lütkepohl, FU Berlin and DIW (since 2012): Construction of joint confidence bands for VAR-models
- Prof. Dr. Peter Tillmann, JLU (since 2011): Application of novel econometric methods for macroeconomic analysis
- Dr. Anna Staszewska-Bystrowa, University of Lodz (since 2010): Construction of joint confidence bands for impulse response functions and forecasts (funded by DAAD PPP 2013-2014), TEXTMOD (funded by NCN-DFG 2020 - 2022)
- Prof. Dr. Natalja Menold, TU Dresden (since 2009): Identification of falsifications in surveys
- Prof. Dennis Lin, Purdue University (since 2008): Uniform Design and applications to Order of Addition Designs
- Prof. Sandra Paterlini, University of Trento (since 2007): Credit Risk Bucketing und Robust Portfolio Optimization
- Prof. Erricos Kontoghiorghes, University of Cyprus (since 2006): Model selection in VAR models