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Prof. Dr. Mirjam Stockburger, née Reutter

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Stockburger, née Reutter

Chair for Data Economics, University Professor


Foto: JLU/Bingel

Telephone: 0641 / 99-22690
Secretariat: 0641 / 99-22581 (Please contact Ms. Raith only in urgent cases)


Personal Website: Mirjam Stockburger (


Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Professur für Datenökonomie, VWL X

Licher Str. 66, Room 4

35394 Gießen

Office hours: 
At the moment, consultation hours can only be offered via web conferencing.

Please arrange an appointment in advance by E-Mail.

Fields of Research

  • Applied Microeconometrics
  • Identification of Causal Inference
  • Policy Evaluation
  • Health Economics

Work Experiences and Research Residences

  • Since 01/2022: University Professor for Data Economics, Justus Liebig University Giessen
  • 2020 - 2022: Postdoctoral Max Weber Fellow European University Institute, Department of Economics
  • 2019: Visiting Scholar Vrije Univesiteit Amsterdam, Department of Economics 
  • 2014 - 2020: Research Associate and Teaching Assistant University of Hohenheim, Department of Economics, Research Group Econometrics and Empirical Economics

Academic Education

  • 2020: PhD in Economics (Dr. oec., summa cum laude), University Hohenheim
  • 2016: Master of Science in Management, University Hohenheim 
  • 2015: Master of Science in Economics, University Hohenheim
  • 2012: Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration, University Hohenheim

Research Networks

  • Accent area Data Driven Economy (DDE)
  • Co-organizer and founder of Next Generation Economics (NGE) 
  • Inequality and Economic Policy Analysis (INEPA) 
  • Applied Data Science for Social Research Working Group (ADSSR)

Awards and Honours

  • 2020 - 2022: Max Weber Fellowship, European University Institute, Department of Economics
  • 2018 - 2021: Grants for Establishing a Network for Junior Researchers Next Generation Economics (NGE), University Hohenheim
  • 2017: Best Paper Award “The Morning After: Prescription-Free Access to Emergency Contraceptive Pills”, Tübingen Hohenheim Economics (THE) Christmas Workshop
  • 2016: Teaching Award, University Hohenheim


  • The Morning After: Prescription-Free Access to Emergency Contraceptive Pills, joint with Gregor Pfeifer, 2023, Journal of Health Economics, 102775.
  • Gender Differences in Wage Expectations: The Role of Biased Beliefs, joint with Stephanie Briel, Aderonke Osikominu, Gregor Pfeifer and Sascha Satlukal, 2021, Empirical Economics, 1-26. 
  • Goodbye Smokers’ Corner: Health Effects of School Smoking Bans, joint with Gregor Pfeifer and Kristina Strohmaier, 2020, The Journal of Human Resources, 55(3), 1068-1104.
  • Smoking and Local Unemployment: Evidence from Germany, joint with Micha Kaiser, Alfonso Sousa-Poza and Kristina Strohmaier, 2018, Economics and Human Biology, 29, 138-147.

Work in Progress

  • Does Smoking Affect Wages? joint with Gregor Pfeifer and Kristina Strohmaier
  • Compressed Schooling and Leisure Activities: Impacts of the German G8 Reform, joint with Aderonke Osikominu.
  • Heterogeneous Effects of School Smoking Bans on Subjective Well-Being
  • Contraceptives, Abortions, Fertility, Family Planning in Germany and Europe
  • Economic and Health Impacts of Urban Greening
  • Who Smokes? Who Manages to Quit Smoking? A Data-Driven Approach