Document Actions

Chair for Data Science & Digitization

BWL XI: Paper in Nature Reviews Psychology
A new article has been accepted for publication in Nature Reviews Psychology (IF: 16.8). Together with an interdisciplinary team of domain experts, we describe how natural language processing (NLP) can be used to analyse text data in behavioural science.
BWL XI: Paper accepted at ICWSM
A new research paper has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). ICWSM is a premier conference in data science with a low acceptance rate (CORE Ranking A).
BWL XI: Research featured in The Washington Post
Our research studying community-based fact-checking on X/Twitter has been featured in The Washington Post.
BWL XI: Paper in EJOR
A new research paper has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR; VHB: A). In our study, we develop, train, and evaluate a tailored, fused large language model to predict startup success.
BWL XI: Paper accepted in PNAS Nexus
A new research paper has been accepted for publication in PNAS Nexus. Based on a preregistered survey experiment, our work demonstrates that context matters in fact-checking on social media and that community notes might be an effective approach to mitigate trust issues with simple misinformation flags.
BWL XI: Best Poster Award at WebSci '24
Our paper "Community notes increase trust in fact-checking on social media" has won the "Best Poster Award" at ACM WebSci '24.
BWL XI: Two posters accepted at WebSci 24
Two papers have been accepted for poster presentation at the ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 24).
BWL XI: New paper accepted at CSCW
A new research paper with researchers from the University of Luxembourg has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW '24). In this study, we perform a large-scale empirical study to analyze whether the introduction of the Community Notes feature and its roll-out to users in the US and around the world have reduced engagement with misinformation on X/Twitter.
BWL XI: Paper accepted at WWW
A new study has been accepted for publication as a short paper at The Web Conference (WWW). The paper empirically analyzes 156 million "Statements of Reasons" from the DSA Transparency Database to shed light on content moderation decisions of social media platforms in the EU.
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