Incapacity to take exams and compensation for disadvantages
Withdrawal after the end of the deregistration deadline
Please submit your request to withdraw from an exam only by e-mail to the Examinations Office and not additionally in printed form.
Extension of the deadline for term papers
If you become temporarily ill during the time you are working on your thesis (e.g. a cold), please submit proof of your incapacity for examination to the Examination Office. The proof of incapacity for examination must be submitted immediately (preferably by e-mail)! If you fall ill while working on your proseminar or seminar, please submit proof of your inability to take the examination directly to the professorship without delay.
The regular processing time can be extended by a maximum of 50% of the regular processing time due to illness. If you are ill for a longer period during the processing time, a recognized withdrawal will be entered in your FlexNow account. This does not count as a failed attempt. You can start the thesis/(pro-)seminar again with a new topic after you have recovered.
In addition to extensions due to illness, the processing time can also be extended for technical reasons. In this case, as well, a maximum of 50% of the regular processing time can be extended. For the thesis, submit an informal application to the Examination Office via the chair. The examiners must approve the extension for academic reasons. In the case of seminars and proseminars, the extension is granted directly by the examiners.
The central counseling center at JLU offers students with disabilities or chronic illnesses further counseling and support.