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Exam dates and deadlines

Exam dates

Each semester, two exam periods are offered. The first exam period takes place in the first two weeks of the semester break and the second in the last two weeks of the semester break. The exact exam dates for the individual modules are announced in the exam schedule before the start of lectures   


Registering for the exams is only possible during the registration period. If you do not register by the deadline, you are not entitled to take the FB 02 exams. The registration deadlines are cut-off deadlines! It is not possible to register for exams after the registration deadline. The deadlines also apply to students from other departments who wish to take an FB 02 exam. You must always register for all exams at FB 02 yourself via FlexNow. There is no automatic registration. This also applies to students from other departments who wish to take an FB 02 exam.
Check that you have registered for the exam correctly and completely. After registering for the exam, you will receive a
confirmation email to your JLU email address. Make sure you check that you have received this email and keep it safe! If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the Examination Office of FB 02 by email within the registration period
Applications for the scientific papers (proseminars, seminars and thesis) are also only possible during a fixed period.