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Research Coordinator:

Dr. Jutta Hergenhan

Center for Diversity, Media, and Law

Justus Liebig University
Ludwigstraße 34
35390 Giessen

Tel: +49 641-99 16 381

Secr.: + 49 641-99 16 351




The Center for Diversity, Media, and Law (DiML) is located at Ludwigstraße 34,
diagonally opposite the main building of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen and next to the Margarete Bieber Hall.


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Anna Wagner 

Center for Diversity, Media, and Law

Justus Liebig University
Ludwigstraße 34
35390 Giessen

Tel: +49 641-99 16 351

Fax: +49 641-99-16 359


Office hours: Mon. - Thurs. 11:30 h - 15:30 h
Fri. 7:00 h - 11:00 h


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