Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Online Workshop: “Basic didactic principles and teaching methods for members of the GGL”


25.06.2024 von 10:00 bis 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)

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In the framework of a cooperation between the project Network for Impactful Digital International Teaching Skills (NIDIT) and the Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL) of the JLU, we are pleased to invite you to the workshop: “Basic didactic principles and teaching methods for GGL members” on June 25th, 2024 from 10 am to 1 pm. This workshop focuses on teaching methods and approaches essential for planning, preparing, and delivering teaching sessions in the academic setting of life sciences. The workshop addresses key topics such as the conception of teaching and learning objectives, the integration of strategies for giving and taking effective feedback, the application of strategies for providing formative assessment, and the implementation of digital tools and new technologies for interactive teaching-learning activities and tasks. Accordingly, the aim of this workshop is twofold. On the one hand, it seeks to make participants feel more confident when planning and delivering their teaching sessions. On the other hand, it attempts to improve participants' teaching skills in a variety of settings so that they are better equipped to cope with potential challenges of online and face-to-face teaching.

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, this workshop consists of the following stages with their respective contents:

1. Workshop: Basic Didactic Principles and Teaching Methods for Members of the GGL

    • Conception of learning objectives
    • Development of a teaching-session planning
    • Understandig of a didactical reduction strategy
    • Structuring a teaching session: Phases and activities
    • Giving and taking feedback
    • Providig formative assessment

2. Teaching Practice – (The dates for the microteaching will be agreed upon with the workshop participants. This microteaching is not mandatory):

Participants will prepare, plan, and deliver a microteaching of 30 minutes about a topic of interest in the area of life sciences to be observed and get feedback by experienced lecturer(s) and other participants of the workshop.

3. Counseling (Optional - This depends on whether the participant wants individual counseling and follow-up in his or her teaching):

Participants will receive individual coaching and follow-up to discuss their strengths and weaknesses in lecturing. They will also receive tips and tricks to improve their teaching methodology. 


This training workshop has a three-tiered approach: the first part provide participants with a good theoretical basis of teaching. The second one is practical and allows participants to apply their knowledge through microteachings in which they can put into practice the main content of the workshop and demonstrate their abilities in lecturing a topic in the field of Life Sciences. The motto of this section is “Learning by Teaching”. The final part consists of individual coaching for participants to reflect on their own teaching and receive advice on how to improve their lecturing skills.

Each section of this workshop contains background documents, formats, and PowerPoint presentations to introduce and explain each topic. Detailed bibliography and handouts of digital tools and resources will be given to participants to assist them in the planning of their own microteaching.

Learning Objectives

Participants of this workshop will:

  • broaden their understanding and use of key teaching methods and approaches in the area of life sciences;
  • get better insights into lesson planning, preparing, and delivering by considering major didactic principles and methods;
  • get acquainted with tips on how to conceive and elaborate learning objectives/outcomes;
  • know how to incorporate effective feedback that mirrors formative and on-going assessment in students;
  • identify and examine critically digital tools to be used in teaching;
  • observe and analyze their own teaching and that of others as well as reflect on how to enhance their lecturing skills and competences.


Are you interested in taking part? Please register in the following link: Registration Link

Lecturer: Richard Vargas, M.A. (NIDIT International Teaching Team)

Target group: GGL doctoral students; external interested participants.

Format: Workshop – Online (the link will be provided after registration); Visit Lab – in presence; Teaching Practice – Online/in presence (it depends on the participant); Counselling – Online.

Language: This event is held in English