Zitierung von Tierversuchsanträgen - Beispiel
Für Tierversuche:
All scientific procedures on living animals were approved by the regional council (Brit.) /board (Am.) (RP Giessen Az: V 54 - 19 c 20 15 h 01 GI.....) in accordance with the German animal welfare law and the European legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (2010/63/EU).
Für Tiertötungen:
All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the German animal welfare law and had been declared to the Animal Welfare Officer of the University (Registration No.: M_ ...). The animal housing facility was licensed/licenced by the local authorities (Az: FD 62….). The methods used to euthanise/euthanize the animals humanely were consistent with the recommendations of the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals.