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JLU Dictionary English-German

German nouns are annotated with their grammatical genders. English rarely has this, but the exceptions are also annotated.

  • academic center - wissenschaftliches Zentrum n
  • Academic Examinations Office of the Humanities - Akademisches Prüfungsamt n Geisteswissenschaften f pl
  • academic infrastructure(s) - wissenschaftliche Infrastruktur(en) f(p)
  • academic permanent position - wissenschaftliche Dauerstelle f
  • academic qualification phase - Qualifikationsphase f
  • academic qualification position - Qualifikationsstelle f
  • Academic Sports Service (ahs) - Allgemeiner Hochschulsport (ahs) m
  • accelerated appointment of a successor - vorgezogene Nachfolgen m/f pl
  • accent area (of the faculties) (AB) - Akzentbereich m (der Fachbereiche m pl ) (AB m )
  • acting professor - kommissarische Professorin f , kommissarischer Professor m
  • adjunct professor - außerplanmäßige/r Professor/in m/f
  • administration - Verwaltung f
  • administrative division - Verwaltungseinheit f
  • admission as a doctoral student - Promotionszulassung f
  • advisor - Referentin f , Referent m
  • affiliate - Angehörige f , Angehöriger m
  • agricultural teaching and research facilities (LFE) - Landwirtschaftliche Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtungen (LFE) f pl
  • Antiproton Annihilation at Darmstadt (PANDA) at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) - Antiproton Annihilation at Darmstadt (PANDA) an der Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) f
  • application portal - Bewerbungsportal n
  • appointment - Berufung f
  • appointment policy - Berufungspolitik f
  • appointment procedure - Berufungsverfahren n
  • appointment system - Berufungssystem n
  • apprentice - Auszubildende f , Auszubildender m
  • area of potential (PB) - Potentialbereich (PB) m
  • area of responsibility (Zuständigkeitsbereich m ) - Ressort n
  • assistant professor - Juniorprofessorin f , Juniorprofessor m
  • authority - Dienststelle f