Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Workshop: Applying Outside Academia – from Application to Interview


23.10.2024 09:30 bis 06.11.2024 15:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)



Name des Kontakts

Telefon des Kontakts

0641 99 47242


Target group: International and German postdocs who are looking for a new employment outside of academia in the next 12 months.

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Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This fundamental career training enables you to prepare convincing application documents, master interviews competently and to define and negotiate an adequate salary.



The event consists of three course days and a further date in a small group:

23.10.2024 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

29.10.2024 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM

05.11.2024 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Small groups (one session only!): 04.11.2024 9:30 – 11:00 AM or 05.11.2024 9:30 – 11:00 AM or 06.11.2024 1:30 – 3:00 PM


Workshop Description

Day 1: Job Advertisements & Applications

In this seminar you will understand how to write your cover letter and CV, and how best to adapt your application to the job offer. You will see examples for a professional application design and photos. Moreover, you will get advice for your certificate selection and receive important hints for your application phase in general. Additionally, you will learn the meaning of typical phrases in job advertisements and identifying “must” and “can” criteria. With an example it is explained how much your chances of success are influenced by requirements you cannot fulfil.

Day 2: Job Interviews

On the second seminar day, you will get general information about your preparation for job interviews, including suitable clothing, time of arrival and research of company information. We will also discuss content and rules for your self-introduction. You learn more about the classical interview structure and receive advice for other types of selection processes such as online or telephone interviews. Finally, you get to know typical questions a recruiter will ask you and ways of answering them while avoiding common mistakes.

Day 3: Salaries

In the following seminar you will get to find out everything about salaries. You will see typical salaries for job starters and criteria which can influence the salary. We will practice a salary calculation method you can use to determine a salary for a specific position. At the end various research options are introduced which you can use to find out more about a company´s internal salary structure. Furthermore, you will receive tips for the salary negotiation phase and how to avoid common mistakes. Additionally, you get to know alternative options to substitute a lower payment offer. 

Training Session

In a subsequent meeting you can practice your self-presentation for interview situations and receive feedback in small groups. Appointments for each group will be made at the beginning of the seminar.


Content & Objectives

  • Content and design of an application
  • Analysis of job ads and estimation of chances
  • Preparation and phases of interviews
  • Answering interviewer questions
  • Determination of salaries
  • Salary negotiation procedure
  • Self-presentation practice in small groups



Heidi Störr, Push Your Career - Career Consultancy

After her graduation in business studies with focus in Human Resources Heidi Störr worked as a Recruiter for several companies. In 2012 she founded Push Your Career a specialised career consultancy for doctoral candidates and post-docs. With her trainings, she provides concrete guidance for all steps of an application phase to start a career in Germany´s industry.

Further trainer details:



Please register here:


Please note that your registration is binding. You may cancel your registration up to seven days before the beginning of the course without providing specific reasons.