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Postdoc Meeting V: How to participate as a Postdoc at the Graduate Center GGN?


30.01.2025 von 12:00 bis 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Online via PC

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0641/99 12355


Postdocs, Wissenschaftler/innen (mit Daueraufgaben)

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PCMO Postdoc Meetings are an hour well invested for your career. In this series, experts from JLU inform you about changing topics. Here you can ask your questions, take away new ideas for your work and exchange ideas with other postdocs. 

The Giessen Graduate Center for Natural Sciences and Psychology is an interdisciplinary institution providing education and support tailored to the needs of all doctoral students and postdocs in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, geography, biology, chemistry, psychology, and sports science at JLU. The GGN-program is designed by its members and offers maximal flexibility. The GGN will be glad to support your own ideas or to realize your visions. You can find out at this Postdoc Meeting how you can participate at the GGN as a postdoc. The Managing Director of GGN, Dr. Katharina Wendlandt, will be happy to answer your questions.PCMO Postdoc Meetings sind eine gut investierte Stunde für Ihre Karriere.

Trainer: Dr. Katharina Wendlandt & Dr. Diana Hitzke 

You can register here via Stud.IP.