Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Co‑Working for Postdocs (Summer)


04.07.2024 von 10:00 bis 11:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Online via PC

Name des Kontakts

Telefon des Kontakts

0641/99 12355


Postdocs, researchers, other employees

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen


Do you want to finish a paper this week? Do you have to deal with unpleasant mails, finally write that long overdue review or just read for once? 
We meet for a 90‑minute Co‑Working session. At the beginning, there is a short welcome and everyone reports briefly, what they are working on. Afterwards, everyone works on their own for 80 minutes. At the end, we exchange on how it went. The joint work on individual tasks intends to create a motivating environment for important, long overdue and perhaps annoying tasks.

Co‑Working takes place every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. during the summer semester (except holidays). 

New participants are always welcome - please register in Stud.IP and join our Co-Working-Meeting!