Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Just(us) Talk: How to Cope with Cultural Shock and Homesickness?

JustInternational: The Ultimate Get-Together


12.06.2024 von 19:30 bis 21:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)



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Moving abroad for your studies may be both an exciting and challenging experience, particularly if you are a first-year international student who has never lived abroad before. Beyond the textbooks and cultural differences lies a huge emotional experience – studying in a different country with an entirely different culture can give you a culture shock as well as make you miss home.

However, these challenges do not have to outweigh the benefits that come with studying abroad. Join us online at this month's Just(us) Talk, to explore how you can cope with the top challenges of studying abroad and share your experiences with your fellow students.

Meeting link:
Join by phone:
Access code:

742 978 471 


This event is organised by student assistants of the International Office. No software installation or registration is required.

The JustInternational series is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds provided by the Federal Foreign Office. Further information on the JustInternational series and the current programme:

Contact details for international students: studium-international
Contact details for international doctoral students: