Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Reclaim Your Power – Empowerment Workshop for Black Students and Students of Color and Students Who Are Confronted With Racism in Germany


22.11.2024 von 11:00 bis 15:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen



To this day, universities often claim to be universal. Against this background, however, exclusions are produced: who naturally belongs to the scientific community and who has to explain their position over and over again? Who can and cannot ignore racist language and content in hallway talks, seminars and texts? In the intertwining of racism and gender discrimination, students of color often experience an exhausting everyday university life. Classifying these experiences for oneself, reflecting on their structural dimensions and finding ways of dealing with them personally is part of an empowering process.

With this Empowerment Workshop we want to create a safer space where we can talk and reflect on racism and empowerment. We will take a look at how experiencing racism affects our lives and try to determine the effects of structural racism. We also intend to reflect on the strategies we use to deal with racism and talk about community solidarity and support.


Workshop lead: Nadine Golly (KARFI – Black Collective for Empowerment and race-critical education)


The workshop is intended as a safer space. It is aimed exclusively at students who have experienced racism in Germany and is open to (international) BIPoC students (students of Color, Black students, students who face Anti-asian, Anti-muslim, Anti-Black, Gadjé-racism).

In the workshop, different dimensions of empowerment against racism in general as well as concrete examples of activist approaches at universities will be presented.

In addition, the participants have the opportunity to exchange experiences of racism in everyday life and on an institutional level. The aim is to jointly develop emancipative counter-strategies.


This workshop will be held in person. You will receive further information after registration. Click here to access the overview of our workshops and to register.

Contact details in case of questions: studium-international