Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Presentation Skills in English (Online)

Workshop for international students


10.11.2023 von 14:00 bis 20:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)



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As a (Bachelor-, Master- or PhD-)student you are supposed to give presentations at conferences or in seminars at your university. Most of these presentations will be held in English as that is the common language in an international context.
It is not an easy task to give a presentation in your native language let alone in a foreign language and environment. This workshop is designed to help you to master this task.

We will concentrate on:
- how to prepare a presentation for your audience,
- how to prepare yourself for presenting,
- and how to improve your presentation skills in English.

There will be the chance of video-feedback for those who wish.
Please bring a short presentation (approximately 5min) to work on during the workshop. It can be part of a longer presentation you are planning to give, or it can be a short overview on one aspect of your doctoral thesis or current seminar topic.
You are welcome to use PowerPoint or any other visual support for your presentation.
Additional to our workshop on Friday you will get individual feedback for your presentation.

Please make sure that your camera and microphone work properly for this workshop!

Elisabeth Sommerhoff studied Drama and Literature at the University Gießen, in Vienna (Austria) and at Yale University (USA). She spent five years teaching at the University of Birmingham (Great Britain). She taught voice training, speech and Rhetoric at the Universities in Gießen and Marburg.
Currently she is working at the University of Regensburg in the field of Intercultural Rhetoric Competence.

Please register via Stud.IP.