Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Professional and Interdisciplinary Skills (AfK)


Professional and Interdisciplinary Skills (AfK) offered by the Centre for Competence Development (ZfbK):



Further Information

General Course in Public International Law (Public International Law I), in englischer Sprache, 2st.

Dr. Lisa-Marie Lührs

1. Semesterhälfte (in der 2. Semesterhälfte findet Public International Law III statt)
Anmeldeverfahren im Nebenfach Völkerrecht zur begleitenden AG über StudIP:

Germany's Political and Social System in Comparative Perspective Niklas Ferch This proseminar provides an introduction to the political and social system of the Federal Republic of Germany. It addresses both JLU's first-semester BA Social Sciences and Political Science minor subject (Nebenfach) students as well as international students (e.g. ERASMUS+ or other exchange programmes) who wish to learn more about politics and society in Germany. Together, we want to enable a reflective, comparative perspective on the political and social system of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The weekly seminar sessions usually cover the fundamental rights of the German constitution, the main political institutions and parties, the German welfare regime and the family conceptions underpinning it, the market economy model predominant in Germany as well as other trending topics. Whenever possible, day-to-day politics serve to illustrate the theoretical arguments and models.

REQUIREMENTS (Studienleistung)
All participants of the seminar are expected to actively participate in the discussions and to read short introductory texts before each and every seminar session. All mandatory readings as well as the slides used in the sessions will be provided via Stud.IP.

ASSESSMENT (Prüfungsleistung)
Short Seminar Report/Seminarbericht (BA Social Sciences students) OR Coursework/Hausarbeit (Political Science Minor Subject/Nebenfach students, Exchange Programme Students), depending on your study regulation.

International students more than welcome!
If you have any questions on this seminar, please contact
"Piracy in the Early Modern World - Media, Culture and Politics" Bennet Roßwag

Pirates are a staple of pop culture, from Treasure Island to Pirates of the Caribbean; Piracy captures imaginations, not only today but in the past as well.

While many of the depictions of piracy we know of today portrait pirates as the antithesis of the ordinary society of their times, and therefore often seen as separate from ‘ordinary’ early modern history. While this idea of complete separation is not acurate, even in its negation of many of the norms of early modern society piracy allows a look into society at sea as well as on land. Many popular depictions focus on the Caribbean (around 1700 the so-called Golden Age of Piracy), but this phenomenon existed all over the world and came in many different forms.

In this course, we will look at the early modern world by considering various forms of ‘piracy’ all over the world between 1500 and 1800, as well as through the lenses of gender, media, law or power.

To pass either the writing of an essay or the holding of a presentation will be required, as well as regular participation in the in session discussions of the reading every week.
Due to the tie-in with the Virtual International Programme (VIP) this course will be held in english and online (via BBB on StudIP). This course will therefore allow international discussions on and insights into international historiography and academics.
Diese Übung ist in der neuen Prüfungs- und Modulordnung auch im Sprachmodul anrechenbar! 

"Lab for Intercultural Readiness" - Intercultural Workshop and Coaching (in English, B2+) You are attending the JLU Virtual International Programme? You are planning a study or internship abroad? Would you like to reflect on your previous or current international and intercultural study experience or broaden your intercultural horizons?
In this course you will explore intercultural sensitivity, intercultural communication, building commitment and managing uncertainty in a series of video lectures and practical assignments. Those are the core competencies of the Intercultural Readiness Check ® , a validated self-assessment tool designed by psychological experts to supply participants with feedback and suggestions for personal intercultural development.
The course will provide strategies to enhance your personal intercultural performance. You should bring an interest in reflection, personal growth and the willingness to complete a questionnaire for self-assessment for which you will receive individual feedback and in a one-to-one consultation. From both self-study and consultation you will then develop a personal development goal and keep on track in a learning journal in which you draw a personal summary of your learning progress.
English language skills at CEFR B2 level are assumed. If you are not sure of your proficiency, we recommend that you to check before registering:
All learning material will be provided via StudIP and ILIAS.

Preliminary schedule:
Weekly work on video lectures and assignments: 23 October – 03 December 2023
IRC Assessment: 30 October – 05 November 2023
Complementary one-to-one consultations: 06 November – 03 December 2023
Journaling: 04 December 2023 – 14 January 2024 (also due date)

Credit of 1 CP will be given for participation in all self-study activities, one-to-one consultation on your IRC profile and a written learning diary. (Assessment: pass/fail, not graded) 


Language courses

The ZfbK also offers language courses on different levels.