Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


  • A. Adamkiewicz, T. Bohamud, M. Reutzel, U. Höfer and M. Dürr. Tip-Induced Dissociation of Diethyl Ether on Si(001)Influence of Molecular Structure on Final Reaction Products. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 15819-15824(2023).
  • T. Glaser, J. A. Peters, D. Scharf, U. Koert and M. Dürr. Layer-by-Layer Deposition of Organic Molecules Controlled by Selective Click Reactions. Chemistry of Materials 36, 561-566(2023).
  • M. Grosse and H. A. Wegner. Bidentate Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Inverse Electron-Demand Diels-Alder Reaction of Phthalazines and Cyclooctynes. Synlett (2023).
  • J. Herritsch, M. Zugermeier, M. Schmid, M. Chen, J.-N. Luy, P. Schweyen, M. Bröring, R. Tonner-Zech and J. M. Gottfried. Why can cobalt(III) corrole form more stable metal/ organic interfaces than cobalt(II) porphyrin? Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 27, 670-681(2023).
  • J. Jung and D. Mollenhauer. Theoretical Studies of the Mechanism of Ullmann Coupling of Naphthyl Halogen Derivatives to Binaphtyl on Coinage Metals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 20284-20300(2023).
  • J.-N. Luy, P. Henkel, D. Grigjanis, J. Jung, D. Mollenhauer and R. Tonner-Zech. Bonding character of intermediates in on-surface Ullmann reactions revealed with energy decomposition analysis. Journal of Computational Chemistry 44, 179-189(2023).
  • K. Niu, Q. Fan, L. Chi, J. Rosen, J. M. Gottfried and J. Bjork. Unveiling the formation mechanism of the biphenylene network. Nanoscale Horiz 8, 368-376(2023).
  • K. Pluschke, A. Herrmann and M. Durr. Soft Deposition of Organic Molecules Based on Cluster-Induced Desorption for the Investigation of On-Surface and Surface-Mediated Reactions. ACS Omega 8, 40639-40646(2023).
  • Z. Wu, F. Weigend, D. Fenske, T. Naumann, J. M. Gottfried and S. Dehnen. Ion-Selective Assembly of Supertetrahedral Selenido Germanate Clusters for Alkali Metal Ion Capture and Separation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 3802-3811(2023).
  • Q. Zhong, A. Mardyukov, E. Solel, D. Ebeling, A. Schirmeisen and P. R. Schreiner. On-Surface Synthesis and Real-Space Visualization of Aromatic P(3) N(3). Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 62, e202310121(2023).
  • Q. G. Zhong, V. Barat, D. Csókás, K. F. Niu, M. Górecki, A. Ghosh, J. Björk, D. Ebeling, L. F. Chi, A. Schirmeisen and M. C. Stuparu. On-Surface Stereochemical Characterization of a Highly Curved Chiral Nanographene by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Ccs Chemistry 5, 2888-2896(2023).




Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


  • M. Denk, E. Speiser, J. Plaickner, S. Chandola, S. Sanna, P. Zeppenfeld and N. Esser. Surface Resonant Raman Scattering from Cu(110). Physical Review Letters 128, 216101(2022).
  • S. Durbach, F. T. Krauss, M. Hoffmann, V. Lehmann, H. Reinhardt, J. Sundermeyer and N. Hampp. Laser-Driven One- and Two-Dimensional Subwavelength Periodic Patterning of Thin Films Made of a Metal–Organic MoS2 Precursor. ACS Nano 16, 10412-10421(2022).
  • T. Glaser, M. Tripp, J. N. Luy, R. Tonner-Zech, U. Koert and M. Dürr. Towards π-wires on a semiconductor surface: Benzyne on Si(001). ChemPhysChem 23, e202200404(2022).
  • J. M. Gottfried. Molecular soccer balls connected to make a 2D material. Nature 606, 470-471470(2022).
  • J. M. Gottfried. Synthesizing a nanographyne. Chem 8, 2581-2583(2022).
  • A. Haags, X. Yang, L. Egger, D. Brandstetter, H. Kirschner, F. C. Bocquet, G. Koller, A. Gottwald, M. Richter, J. M. Gottfried, M. G. Ramsey, P. Puschnig, S. Soubatch and F. S. Tautz. Momentum space imaging of σ orbitals for chemical analysis. Science Advances 8, eabn0819(2022).
  • B. P. Klein, A. Ihle, S. R. Kachel, L. Ruppenthal, S. J. Hall, L. Sattler, S. M. Weber, J. Herritsch, A. Jaegermann, D. Ebeling, R. J. Maurer, G. Hilt, R. Tonner-Zech, A. Schirmeisen and J. M. Gottfried. Topological Stone–Wales Defects Enhance Bonding and Electronic Coupling at the Graphene/Metal Interface. ACS Nano 16, 11979-11987(2022).
  • J.-N. Luy, P. Henkel, D. Grigjanis, J. Jung, D. Mollenhauer and R. Tonner-Zech. Bonding character of intermediates in on-surface Ullmann reactions revealed with energy decomposition analysis. Journal of Computational Chemistry 44, 179-189(2023).
  • D. Martin-Jimenez, M. G. Ruppert, A. Ihle, S. Ahles, H. A. Wegner, A. Schirmeisen and D. Ebeling. Chemical bond imaging using torsional and flexural higher eigenmodes of qPlus sensors. Nanoscale 14, 5329-5339(2022).
  • J. Martinez-Castro, R. Bolat, Q. Fan, S. Werner, H. H. Arefi, T. Esat, J. Sundermeyer, C. Wagner, J. Michael Gottfried, R. Temirov, M. Ternes and F. Stefan Tautz. Disentangling the electronic structure of an adsorbed graphene nanoring by scanning tunneling microscopy. Communications Materials 3, 57(2022).
  • M. G. Ruppert, D. Martin-Jimenez, Y. K. Yong, A. Ihle, A. Schirmeisen, A. J. Fleming and D. Ebeling. Experimental analysis of tip vibrations at higher eigenmodes of QPlus sensors for atomic force microscopy. Nanotechnology 33, 185503(2022).
  • P. Schneider, F. Verloh and M. Dürr. Cluster-Induced Desorption/Ionization of Polystyrene: Desorption Mechanism and Effect of Polymer Chain Length on Desorption Probability. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 33, 832-839(2022).
  • Q. Zhong, K. Niu, L. Chen, H. Zhang, D. Ebeling, J. Björk, K. Müllen, A. Schirmeisen and L. Chi. Substrate-Modulated Synthesis of Metal–Organic Hybrids by Tunable Multiple Aryl–Metal Bonds. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 8214-8222(2022).
Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


  • Q. Zhong, A. Ihle, S. Ahles, H. A. Wegner, A. Schirmeisen, D. Ebeling, Constructing covalent organic nanoarchitectures molecule by molecule via scanning probe manipulation. Nature Chemistry, 1133–1139 (2021). DOI:
  • Q. Fan, L. Yan, M. W. Tripp, O. Krejčí, S. Dimosthenous, S. R. Kachel, M. Chen, A. S. Foster, U. Koert, P. Liljeroth, J. M. Gottfried, Biphenylene network: A nonbenzenoid carbon allotrope. Science 372, 852-856 (2021). DOI:
  • P. Liu, X.-Y. Chen, J. Cao, L. Ruppenthal, J. M. Gottfried, K. Müllen, X.-Y. Wang, Revisiting Acepleiadylene: Two-Step Synthesis and π-Extension toward Nonbenzenoid Nanographene. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143, 5314-5318 (2021). DOI:
  • S. Werner, T. Vollgraff, J. Sundermeyer, Access to functionalized Pyrenes, Peropyrenes, Terropyrenes and Quarterropyrenes via Reductive Aromatization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, 13631-13635 (2021). DOI:
  • S. Werner, T. Vollgraff, J. Sundermeyer, Rylene- and diaza-rylene-derived cobalt clusters for solid-state pyrolysis towards undoped and N-doped carbon nanoparticles. Dalton Transactions 50, 14374-14383 (2021). DOI:
  • S. Werner, J. Sundermeyer, Synthesis of Unsymmetrically Functionalized Violanthrenes by Reductive Aromatization of Violanthrone Synlett 32, 1855-1860 (2021). DOI:
  • P.-M. Dombrowski, S. R. Kachel, L. Neuhaus, J. M. Gottfried, G. Witte, Temperature-programmed desorption of large molecules: influence of thin film structure and origin of intermolecular repulsion. Nanoscale 13, 13816-13826 (2021). DOI:
  • J. Herritsch, S. R. Kachel, Q. Fan, M. Hutter, L. J. Heuplick, F. Münster, J. M. Gottfried, On-surface porphyrin transmetalation with Pb/Cu redox exchange. Nanoscale 13, 13241-13248 (2021). DOI:
  • S. Werner, T. Vollgraff, Q. Fan, K. Bania, J. M. Gottfried, J. Sundermeyer, Reductive O-triflylation of naphthalene diimide: access to alkyne- and amine-functionalized 2,7-diazapyrenes. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 8, 5013-5023 (2021). DOI:
  • A. Adamkiewicz, T. Bohamud, M. Reutzel, U. Höfer, M. Dürr, Tip-induced β -hydrogen dissociation in an alkyl group bound on Si(001). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 344004 (2021). DOI:
  • E. Baal, M. Klein, K. Harms, J. Sundermeyer, 2,9-Diazadibenzoperylene and 2,9-Dimethyldibenzoperylene-1,3,8,10-tetratriflates: Key to Functionalized 2,9-Diazaperopyrenes. Chemistry – A European Journal 27, 12610-12618 (2021). DOI:
  • S. Werner, T. Vollgraff, J. Sundermeyer, Tetrasubstituted Peropyrenes Formed by Reductive Aromatization: Synthesis, Functionalization and Characterization. Chemistry – A European Journal 27, 11065-11075 (2021). DOI:
  • B. P. Klein, L. Ruppenthal, S. J. Hall, L. E. Sattler, S. M. Weber, J. Herritsch, A. Jaegermann, R. J. Maurer, G. Hilt, J. M. Gottfried, Topology Effects in Molecular Organic Electronic Materials: Pyrene and Azupyrene*. ChemPhysChem 22, 1065-1073 (2021). DOI:
  • T. Glaser, J. Meinecke, L. Freund, C. Länger, J.-N. Luy, R. Tonner, U. Koert, M. Dürr, Click Chemistry in Ultra-high Vacuum – Tetrazine Coupling with Methyl Enol Ether Covalently Linked to Si(001). Chemistry – A European Journal 27, 8082-8087 (2021). DOI:
  • K. Feng, E. Solel, P. R. Schreiner, H. Fuchs, H.-Y. Gao, Diamantanethiols on Metal Surfaces: Spatial Configurations, Bond Dissociations, and Polymerization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 3468-3475 (2021). DOI:
  • T. Glaser, J. Meinecke, C. Länger, J. Heep, U. Koert, M. Dürr, Solution-Based Alkyne–Azide Coupling on Functionalized Si(001) Prepared under UHV Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 4021-4026 (2021). DOI:
  • S. R. Kachel, P.-M. Dombrowski, T. Breuer, J. M. Gottfried, G. Witte, Engineering of TMDC–OSC hybrid interfaces: the thermodynamics of unitary and mixed acene monolayers on MoS2. Chemical Science 12, 2575-2585 (2021). DOI:
  • T. Glaser, J. Meinecke, C. Länger, J.-N. Luy, R. Tonner, U. Koert, M. Dürr, Combined XPS and DFT investigation of the adsorption modes of methyl enol ether functionalized cyclooctyne on Si(001). ChemPhysChem 22, 404-409 (2021). DOI:
  • E. Geringer, M. Gerhard, M. Koch, C. K. Krug, J. M. Gottfried, S. Dehnen, Pyrene-Terminated Tin Sulfide Clusters: Optical Properties and Deposition on a Metal Surface. Chemistry – A European Journal 27, 2734-2741 (2021). DOI: