Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Legal Information in English

Here you will find legal information on employment as well as helpful links.

Working during your studies

International students who are in possession of a valid residence permit may work up to 140 days per year without a work permit.

This temporary employment is also permitted during the semester. The entry of the Foreigners Authority ("Ausländerbehörde") in the passport is sufficient. Student assistant jobs at the university (Hiwi-Jobs) are allowed  in addition to the 140 days. Self-emplyed activities, however, are not allowed.

For an employment that exceeds 140 days per year, a special permit must be issued by the responsible Foreigners Authority in coordination with the responsible Employment Agency. However, it only issues the permit in absolutely exceptional cases. The Foreigners Authority can also issue a permit if a student is in an emergency situation. However, this possibility should be used with caution, as the residence permit is dependent on the proof of sufficient financial means. An emergency situation declared to the authorities can therefore endanger the extension of the residence permit.

Further information on work permits for international students can be found on the DAAD website.

As a student you have to pay tax on your income from gainful employment. The tax office can advise you on all questions regarding your tax declaration. Ask also about possibilities of tax reduction and refund for students.
Further information is available from the Giessen tax office (German website).

Job opportunities at JLU:
Within the university, there is a small number of opportunities to work as a student assistant or mentor/tutor. These positions are advertised within the university by posting notices in the departments and institutes or in the JLU online job market. These jobs often support the course of study, so you do not need a work permit.


Job search after graduation

International students can extend their residence permit after graduation by up to 18 months for the purpose of job search.

During the search phase, gainful employment is permitted without restriction. In addition, you must continue to provide proof that your livelihood is secure and that you have health insurance coverage.

When you have found a job within these 18 months, you will receive a temporary residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment. Under certain conditions, you can obtain an unlimited settlement permit already after 2 years.

Further information on job search for international graduates can be found on the DAAD website.


Helpful links

Financial aid from the International Office of JLU

The International Office offers financial aid in the closing phase of their degree for international students.
Here you can find further information:

Grants and other financial support
Financial aid in the closing phase of your degree


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The DAAD offers a variety of information about studying, jobs and careers in Germany:

Side jobs for students
Work placements / internships
Career planning


Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

On its website, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) provides information on migration & residence, integration, asylum & refugee protection:

Website BAMF
Studying in Germany
The EU Blue Card
Settling in Germany


Make it in Germany - The official website from the Federal Government for qualified professionals

On this multilingual portal for professionals from abroad, the German Federal Government provides information on job search, application, social security & taxes, visa and living in Germany:

Make it in Germany


Research in Germany

The internet portal "Research in Germany" is an information platform of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and contains among other things the topic Jobs & Careers in Germany for students, doctoral candidates, postdocs and senior researchers:

Research in Germany


Foreigners Authority (Ausländerbehörde)

The Foreigners Authority is your central contact point for all matters concerning your residence in Germany. Here you will get to the website of the Foreigner' Authority of the city of Gießen:

Ausländerbehörde Gießen


Federal Employment Agency

The Federal Employment Agency offers advice on all questions regarding job search, training, insurance and financing:

Information for people coming from other countries
Job Portal (Jobbörse)


German student union ("Studierendenwerk") - Information for international students

On the website of the German "Studentenwerk", you will find information for international students on topics such as jobbing during your studies and career entry:

Working during studies
After graduation - Working in Germany

After graduation - Returning to your home country


World University Service (WUS)

The WUS is an international, politically and denominationally neutral organization. It offers consulting services and conducts seminars, scholarship programs and projects:

World University Service
STUBE Hessen
(study accompanying program for students from Africa, Asia and Latin America who study at hessian universities)