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17.01.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: From knowledge to governance in addressing water security challenges


17.01.2024 von 14:30 bis 15:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


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In this seminar, Dr. Aliya Assubayeva will present collaborative research exploring water security in South America, focusing on the Mira-Mataje transboundary catchment shared by Colombia and Ecuador. Over the past two decades, heightened attention has been placed on water security due to the complex and multi-level water challenges it presents. Despite its significance as a critical ecological corridor, this area faces mounting water and environmental issues, while research on water management and governance remains in its early stages.

The seminar aims to impart valuable insights, including:

  • understanding the conceptualization and operationalization of the water security concept;
  • identifying water security priorities within the Mira-Mataje transboundary catchment;
  • recognizing the importance of integrating diverse knowledge and values to develop adaptive responses for achieving water security and building resilience.

Dr. Assubayeva will share research findings derived from a critical literature review, a Delphi survey involving water stakeholders, and elite interviews with ethnic community leaders in Ecuador. Additionally, insights from field trips undertaken in Ecuador, spanning from highland to coastal areas within this basin in 2023, will be presented.

This study was conducted within the framework of the JLU Giessen Early Career Researcher Grant and involved collaboration with Dr. Jorge Forero, Dr. Alicia Correa, and Dr. Stefanos Xenarios.

Date: 17.01.2024 14:30-15:30 hr CET - virtual



 About the SDGnexus Network Seminar Series

The SDGnexus Network Seminar Series cover topics related to research and teaching along the Sustainable Development Goals. Seminar Series are created for everybody interested in the SDG topic, the network offers a fantastic opportunity to union knowledge and experience from researchers across a variety of disciplines and regions.