Peer-Reviewed Journals |
Jordan I, Keding GB, Stosius L, Hawrysz I, Janiszewska K, Heil EA (2021) Changes in Vegetable Consumption in Times of COVID-19—First Findings From an International Civil Science Project. Frontiers in Nutrition 8 (2021): 540.
Kretz E, Jordan I, Itaru A, Glas MGG, Fischer S, Pircher T, Hilger T, Waswa LM (2021) Determinants of Children’s Fruit Intake in Teso South Sub-County, Kenya—A Multi-Phase Mixed Methods Study among Households with Children 0–8 Years of Age. Nutrients, 13(7), p.2417.
Bissinger K, Herrmann R & Jordan I (2021) Salt iodisation of processed foods in Germany: evidence, processors’ perceptions and implications for public health. British Food Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). Available at: [Accessed August 5, 2021].
- Fatch P, Masangano C, Hilger T, Jordan I, Kamoto JF, Mambo I, Kalimbira A, Chiutsi-Phiri G, Nuppenau EA (2021) Role of Policies, Stakeholder Programs and Interventions in Agricultural Diversification among Smallholder Farmers: A Case of Lilongwe District in Malawi. Agronomy, 11(7), p.1351.
- Waswa LM, Jordan I, Krawinkel MB, Keding G (2021) Seasonal Variations in Dietary Diversity and Nutrient Intakes of Women and Their Children (6-23 Months) in Western Kenya. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, p.636872.
- Fatch P, Masangano C, Kamoto J, Jordan I, Hilger T, Mambo I, Kalimbira A, Nuppenau EA (2020) Are farmer perceptions among significant determinants of adoption of agricultural diversity in Malawi? A case of Lilongwe district. download.
- Fischer S, Hilger T, Piepho H-P, Jordan I, Cadish G (2021) Missing association between nutrient concentrations in leaves and edible parts of food crops – A neglected food security issue. Food Chemistry, 345, p.128723.
- Fatch P, Masangano C, Hilger T, Jordan I, Mambo I, Kamoto JFM, Kalimbira A, Nuppenau EA (2021) Holistic agricultural diversity index as a measure of agricultural diversity: A cross-sectional study of smallholder farmers in Lilongwe district of Malawi. Agricultural Systems, 187, p.102991.
- Nespital U, Jordan I, Dawood A, Hick H, Krug S (2020) Diskursförderung durch die Anwendung der Fünfsatztechnik - Ein Pilotprojekt im Studiengang Ernährungswissenschaften. DGSS@ktuell, 4-2020, Seite 4-27.
- Fischer S, Hilger T, Piepho H-P, Jordan I, Karungi J, Towett E, Shepherd K, Cadish G (2020) Soil and farm management effects on yield and nutrient concentrations of food crops in East Africa. Science of The Total Environment, 716, p.137078.
- Nespital U & Jordan I (2019) Möglichkeiten der inter- und intradisziplinären Förderung des ernährungswissenschaftlichen Diskurses mit der Fünfsatzdebatte. In M. Pabst-Weinschenk, ed. Kooperative Rhetorik in Theorie und Praxis. Sprache und Sprechen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, p. p183.
- Heil E, Irmisch J, Schrode A, Seiffert M, Vohland V, Gärtner S, Jordan I (2019) „Agenda 2030: Ernährungsstrategien in Deutschland und weltweit“. Available at:
- Fischer S, Hilger T, Piepho H-P, Jordan I, Cadish G (2019) Do we need more drought for better nutrition? The effect of precipitation on nutrient concentration in East African food crops. The Science of the Total Environment, 658, pp.405–415.
- Chiutsi-Phiri G, Heil E, Kalimbira AA, Mansangano C, Mtimuni BM, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I (2017) Reduced Motivated Adoption of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices after Nutrition Education Intervention in Rural Malawi. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 56(4), pp.329–348.
- Kuchenbecker J, Reinbott A, Mtimuni B, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I (2017) Nutrition education improves dietary diversity of children 6-23 months at community-level: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Malawi. PLOS ONE, 12(4), p.e0175216.
- Reinbott A, Schelling A, Kuchenbecker J, Jeremias T, Russel I, Kevanna O, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I (2016) Nutrition education linked to agricultural interventions improved child dietary diversity in rural Cambodia. The British Journal of Nutrition, Oct;116(8):1457-1468. Epub 2016 Oct 5.
- Reinbott A, Jordan I, Herrmann J, Kuchenbecker J, Kevanna O & Krawinkel MB (2016) Role of Breastfeeding and Complementary Food on Hemoglobin and Ferritin Levels in a Cambodian Cross-Sectional Sample of Children Aged 3 to 24 Months. PLOS ONE, 11(3), p.e0150750.
- Chiutsi Phiri G, Heil EA, Kalimbira AA, Masangano C, Mtimuni BM, Mthinda C, Herrmann J, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I (2016). The Effectiveness of the Cascade Model in Promoting Improved Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Rural Malawi. Journal of Nutrition Ecology and Food Research, (3), pp.26–35.
- Waswa LM, Jordan I, Herrmann J, Krawinkel MB & Keding GB (2015) Community-based educational intervention improved the diversity of complementary diets in western Kenya: results from a randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition, 18(18), pp.3406–3419.
- Balz AG, Heil EA & Jordan I (2015) Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: new term or new concept? Agriculture & Food Security, 4(1), doi:10.1186/s40066-015-0026-4.
- Kuchenbecker J, Jordan I, Reinbott A, Jeremias T, Kennedy G, Muehlhoff E, Mtimuni B, Krawinkel MB (2014) Exclusive breastfeeding and its effect on growth of Malawian infants: results from a cross-sectional study. Paediatrics and International Child Health, p.2046905514Y0000000134.
- Reinbott A, Kuchenbecker J, Herrmann J, Jordan I, Muehlhoff E, Kevanna O, Krawinkel MB (2014) A child feeding index is superior to WHO IYCF indicators in explaining length-for-age Z-scores of young children in rural Cambodia. Paediatrics and International Child Health, p.2046905514Y0000000155.
- Keding G, Schneider K & Jordan I (2013) Production and processing of foods as core aspects of nutrition-sensitive agriculture and sustainable diets. Food Security, 5(6), pp.825–846.
- Bozorgmehr K, Gabrysch S, Müller O, Neuhann F, Jordan I, Knipper M, Razum O (2013) Relationship between financial speculation and food prices or price volatility: applying the principles of evidence-based medicine to current debates in Germany. Globalization and Health, 9(1), p.44.
- Jordan I, Hebestreit A, Swai B, et al. (2013) Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern Tanzania: a case–control study. European Journal of Nutrition. Apr;52(3):905-15. doi: 10.1007/s00394-012-0398-1. Epub 2012 Jun 2.
- Jordan I, Hebestreit A, Swai B & Krawinkel MB (2013). Breast cancer risk among women with long-standing lactation and reproductive parameters at low risk level: a case-control study in Northern Tanzania. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 142(1), pp.133–141.
- Krawinkel MB, Keding GB, Chavez-Zander U, Jordan I & Habte T-Y.(2008). Welternährung im 21. Jahrhundert. Eine umfassende Herausforderung (Teil 1). Biologie in unserer Zeit, 38(5), pp.312–318.
- Krawinkel M, Keding GB, Chavez-Zander U, Jordan I & Habte T-Y.(2008). Welternährung im 21. Jahrhundert. Eine umfassende Herausforderung (Teil 2). Biologie in unserer Zeit, 38(6), pp.382–389.