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LaMa-Seminar Dr. Kasnatscheew, High Voltage Li Ion Battery


03.07.2024 ab 17:00 Uhr (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Chemie-Hörsaalgebäude, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Hörsaal C 1

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  • High Voltage Li Ion Battery: Challenges and Prospects on Material Level

    Seminar lecture for all members of the research groups organized in the ZfM, the Chemistry and the Physics Institutes (students of Materials Science, Chemistry and Physics welcome!)

    Speaker: Dr. Johannes Kasnatscheew, Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET), Universität Münster

    Time and Venue: Wed., July 3, 2024, 17:00, Chemistry Lecture Hall C 1, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building (Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19)